Is there any hope for the human race?

The best hope is some man made or natural disaster that leaves the human population of the world depleted by at least two thirds, but then evaporates to leave the remaining population unencumbered to start to slowly **** things up again :) "Lessons will be learnt" will be a common mantra for a week or two.
You, for some unknown reason brought up dinosaurs not me.
Also as a positive spin, try not getting dropped on your head as a baby.

Hard to know how to respond honestly. Except to reiterate something which I think will already be self-evident to most impartial observers - this, right here, is the reason why the human race has no long-term future.
Global warming seems to be real but you bet your ass, the higher ups will milk it for all it's worth and blow it out of all proportions by scaring the **** out of you.
If I didn't look at the internet or watch TV the only thing I would notice was the higher price of things, just crack on and concentrate on what's in front of you, the world is not ending.
Actually the raising of the subject of dinosaurs has cheered me up a bit, I can’t remember the numbers so had to look it up, they went extinct about 65 million years ago, they started about 225 million years ago.
The earth seems to be about 4.5 billion years old. So there you have it, if I get to 80 or 90 that will be considered a decent innings.
So yes time not to care.
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Or is there a more positive spin that can be put on it all?

Yes, you're being unduly pessimistic. Despite current events, humanity is becoming more and more peaceful over the millennia. Global warming is not going to cause the extinction of humanity. Climate change will cause massive changes, just as it always has, but extinction is a wholly different level. Sure Londoners and others near the coast (especially Lincolnshire & Norfolk) may find their homes much more liable to flooding and England may become much smaller but habitable zones will change and people will move with them. We've seen this before with previous climatic warming and cooling, both small (Little Ice Age, Roman Warm Period & aftermath) and large (ice ages). In the long term it's going to be just another one of those things - significant but not a catastrophe.

So cheer up.
I'm just glad I don't have kids to worry about.

Between climate change, automation and growing wealth divide, I'm not optimistic on our future prospects.

At least when you only have to worry about yourself it's easy to blow off
We ain’t going anywhere. Climate change or nuclear ain’t going to change that.

But that isn’t your question. Unlike others seem to read it as.

Your question was, is their hope for us. And the answer to that is a definitive no.
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