You must mention this in every doom thread. I really do feel sorry for people, and sorry to highlight yourself here, with this doom mindset.
But what a number media/whatever is doing to people's heads if these are truely reasons it's stopping people having children.
It actually doesn't bother me.
I'd be worried if i have kids. But I don't. And I don't have any because I don't want any. Not because I'm scared of the world they'll inherit
I feel this is quite lucky as it means even though I think our standard of living for the average person is going down, it probably won't affect me. I'll be gone by time it ramps up.. If it does.
I actually think I'm more intrigued by what will happen with advanced technology. Personally I think it will create a bigger and bigger divide between rich and poor. But it is possible it will make the world better.
There are So many what ifs
-will we invent a new piece of tech that's provides unlimited energy (ie fusion)
-will we run out of fossil fuels and collapse as a society
-will we cure cancer?
-will be create something that makes covid look like a walk in the park
-will we invent an actual amazing vr world where people can live and enjoy life (ie severely disabled)
-will social media/automation turn us into mindless zombies with no purpose or use and we just fade out
There are many scenarios due to unforseen tech. At the moment I think we are sliding the wrong way in too many aspects.