Is there anything wrong in this picture?

I'm going to go with no. The discs look a little thin but it's pretty hard to tell form that angle. It been failed for an MOT on excesive scoring or something? Seems to be the in way of ripping people off ATM.
discs look like mine did at mot time and they were "advisory" and should be changed..
Some more info.

That is the front brake on my Mondeo.

Which, up until an hour ago, was fine. Having some fun on the moors, usual stuff. Suddenly I noticed a worrying metallic scraping sound from the front brakes. I pulled over, had a look, couldn't see anything wrong. Gingerly pulled over, it was fine... for a few second, then it came back, then it went away, then it was back... I braked, pulled over, released the brake and the scraping continued until I stopped. Pulled away, its fine again, etc.

Not sure whats wrong :( Car still stops ok, but nasty noises = bad.
Most of the time that scraping noise means you need new pads, but those look like they have plenty of meat.

Not sure :confused:
Enfield said:
Maybe there's a small stone trapped inbetween the pads and the disc there somewhere?

I was thinking this. Would there be a disk on the other side? Would that looked scored if there was a stone trapped?
Barry Smalley said:
See above - that's my guess. I've had it before myself. :)

Yeah, definitely sounds like there is a stone in there somewhere. :)

Did you remove it yourself or just let it find its way back out on its on accord?

EDIT: I agree with the above. Your discs look shagged.
I suppose try and run something thin between pad and disc, if it gets caught on a certain place then it could mean a stone.
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