Amp34 said:
I find that remark rather offensive actually, maybe i can't write things quite as eloquently as you but that doesnt mean I am stupid, there is a fine line between debate and personal attack and you just crossed that line. Even if I did think that most or all americans hate people just because of the country they come from that would still be my decision, there could have been serious thought and research gone into that comment, just because you disagree with it doesn't make me stupid. Do you call all politicians who don't agree with you stupid?
Good. I'm glad you found it offensive. Just as I find it offensive to be told that "most" of the citizens of my country are guilty of unreasoning prejudice and "hate" 2 billion people just because of their nationality.
Would I call politicians, or anybody for that matter, who doesn't agree with me stupid? Of course not .... unless they say stupid things like that.
From the same post of mine that you quoted, I said "
James, there are some members on here that are capable of detailed, educated analysis of US foreign policy, of environmental policy, and so on. Fine, they often have a point. They are eminently capable of expressing good grounds for objecting to what the US, as a State, does. I have no objection at all to rational objections to or even dislike of US actions. But that is far from the same thing as alleging "most" of a population of 290 million people "hate" other nations. That is just farcical .... no, it's worse than that. It's ignorant. Which is why I asked for justification of that ludicrous assertion .... which, I note, has been markedly lacking."
And, for reference, I didn't cross 'the line' on personal attacks. I said
that remark was stupid, not that you were. Or are you claiming that such an assertion about, and I have repeatedly emphasaised this, "
most" Americans was true? No, you aren't. You've just admitted it went too far. Yes it did, and it was damned offensive.
If you want to criticise the US, go right ahead. There's certainly plenty of fertile ground for doing so. That I don't mind. Provided it's a sensible criticism, not a daft caricature. But I'm sufficiently fed up with so many remarks that are just bile, that when I see one so blatantly unsupportable as that, I'm not going to just let it pass.
And, finally, what did I say about alli that you object to? Was it that I pointed out that, actually, he was wrong? I'd already made the point, quite clearly, that the US is NOT top of the obesity leagues. If you don't believe me, check out the World Health Organisation, or the International Association for the Study of Obesity.
So, seeing as the first two remarks I made to alli were addressed directly at the incorrect assertions he made, I have to conclude that what you didn't like was
No sh.... erm, no kidding. I wouldn't have guessed. Still, disliking 290,000,000 people having never met the vast bulk of them is justifiable. Somehow. I suppose.
Yeah, that was sarcastic. But, when someone claims he dislikes 290 million people when the VAST majority of them he hasn't met, exactly what type of response do you want? I mean, what's the justification for that, if it isn't ignorance and blind prejudice which, incidentally, is precisely what you accused virtually my entire nation of!
You do NOT see me attacking people that object to US foreign policy, or the environental stance, or corporate America, or ..... etc. I might disagree, and I might (or might not) argue, but you won't see put downs. But I'm fed up with the "only in America" type remarks. A good number of people on here think it's fine to make such patronising remarks, regardless of the fact that there are Americans on here and that they are likely to find such remarks offensive, but it's not OK for me to point out the daft nature of disliking 290 million people you've never met? I didn't insult alli. I didn't call him names. I merely pointed out that the remark was unjustifiable. As was yours.
Amp, I don't think you're stupid. I don't know you well enough to have an opinion on that. But I do, quite seriously, think that what you said was not only highly offensive, but seriously stupid. This is why I asked you to justify it. So far, instead of any statistical justification of your condemnation of hundreds of millions of people, you've quoted remarks giving the
opinion of one individual. How many Americans does that one individual actually know? How representative are they? Did he actually, even if everything he said is 100% accurate, say ANYTHING that justifies insulting "most" of 290 million people? Is that seriously what you base your opinions of 290 million people on? Press reports and third-hand anecdotes?
Amp, I have nothing at all against you. But the comment you made was typical of a style of thoughtless and unpleasant anti-American remark made on here. The difference was that your remark was perfectly susceptible to a critical dissection and to, metaphorically speaking, handing you your head for the simple reason that it is so patently obvious that it is untrue and unjustifiable. I'm trying, however, to make a MUCH more general point concerning trite and glib gross characterisations, of the "only in America" type.
Most of the time, I can't be bothered to challenge those remarks. I just amend my Ignore list with the names of those making them. This time, however, it was a step too far.
Once again, nothing personal and I don't regard you as stupid. As I said, I quite literally don't have an opinion on that. But I would suggest that if you don't want to have stupid remarks categorised as stupid, don't make them.