Is this why Americans are obese?

Billy Conolly said this about obesity and losing weight:
If you wanna lose weight, "eat less, move around" Cynical and simplistic, but very true.
ALLI said:
there's still more chubbys in 'merka, end off.
In absolute terms, or as a percentage of population? The US has quite a large population, so statistically it's going to have a larger number of chubbies than most countries with smaller populations. But if you mean in absolute terms, then far from being "end off", it's actually factually just not true. As I said earlier, countries from East Germany (as was) to Western Samoa have higher obesity rates.

ALLI said:
and you can't argue they're not a greedy nation
Yes I can. They're a rich nation. Do you think any other nation isn't going to indulge if it can afford to do so?

Also, by categorizing the entire nation that way, it's ignoring the sheer fact that wealth demographics vary hugely. Yes, on average, the US is wealthy, but there are lots and LOTS of very poor people too. A lot of US inner city areas are rife with poverty. It's a national disgrace for such a rich country, but yet it persists. So, how are the large numbers of people on the poverty line "greedy"?

ALLI said:

i don't like them. personal opinion. "period" sorry, i mean "full stop"

No sh.... erm, no kidding. I wouldn't have guessed. Still, disliking 290,000,000 people having never met the vast bulk of them is justifiable. Somehow. I suppose. :rolleyes:
Chocki said:
Just to put my penies worth into the discussion.

When I was over in L.A. I found it more difficult to eat healthily, fresh fruit and salad seemed quite rare and a lot more expensive in comparisson to the UK.
We went to LA and ate perfectly healthily, though the amount of crap (and the size:eek: ) in the supermarkets was astounding.

But there are decent places too, probably much better than the UK. We ate out every night at a different restaurant and the food was always fantastic, with a much better selection than most typical restaurants over here.

The US does have more of a fast food culture than here but that doesn't mean that's all it has, though it's probably more tempting for the poorer folk as (I suspect) it's 'cheaper' and far more advertised.

My experience of our wonderful friends across the pond is that they're either overweight or very fit. ie, they either aren't all that bright and/or live a 'commercialised'/lazy lifestyle; or they live a healthy lifestyle, take regular health checkups, have perfect teeth (Seriously - oooh honey I see James got his teeth done!), and so on.

Strange country, great food, great people :cool: :)
Sequoia said:

Very good post Sequoia. Plus i'm assuming that most people on Holiday to America eat out all the time, at fast food outlets and restaurants. But thats normal for holidays

Just like when your back at home you would normally eat more inside your house with your own meals. The case is the same in America, Americans still have kitchens in their houses you know. :p So the point about the big portions when eating out is slightly irrelevant.

Also as said here your income and status really does play a large part in your average diet as well.

ALLI said:
i don't like them. personal opinion. "period" sorry, i mean "full stop"

Sorry I just need to point this out, that statement stinks of ignorance. How can you propose you don't like all the people of an entire nation. Have you met my girlfriend, or maybe her brother what about their uncles. Perhaps you could tell me what you thought of them as well.
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Sequoia said:
...No sh.... erm, no kidding. I wouldn't have guessed. Still, disliking 290,000,000 people having never met the vast bulk of them is justifiable. Somehow. I suppose. :rolleyes:

Well its better than hating 2,000,000,000 like most of the US population seem to do,

China, Russia, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, North Korea...
Amp34 said:
Well its better than hating 2,000,000,000 like most of the US population seem to do,

China, Russia, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, North Korea...
Oh come off it. Spade+hole...

Edit: US foreign policy != general population perception.

But I'll grant you that rather a high number of Americans don't reeeally know all that much about the outside world, in my own experience....but then, the same's probably true of Alysha from the estate....
that hardly has anything to do with this topic though, do it. wheter they hate people or not, it doesnt make them fat.

America's do have reputation as being fat and undeservedly so BUT, the majority of america's in the bigger wealthier citys are overweight. That doesnt make american's overweight, but that's still a lot of people. Its not genentics its lifestyle plain and simple. cheap fatty food + expensive healthy food = lots of fat , lazy people.
Amp34 said:
Well its better than hating 2,000,000,000 like most of the US population seem to do,

China, Russia, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, North Korea...
Please post the justification for thinking that "most of the US population" think that? Or even that they "seem" to think that?

Or, do you perhaps mean that the US administration has problems with the governments of those countries?

I AM one of the population of the US, and I don't have a clue what "most" of the population think of those 2 billion people, let alone that they "hate" them. Personally, I haven't come across ANYONE in the US that hates a whole population simply because of their nationality (though I'm sure some prejudiced and ignorant people holding that view exist), and my view is that you'd have to be especially thick to do so. But "most" of the population? Oh, really?

Personally, I intensely dislike a number of regimes around the world, including North Korea. But I don't hate North Koreans. I have a lot of issues with the Iranian government (at least, the current one). But I can't off-hand think of a single Iranian I hate. I have a distaste for the authoritarian governments in the past of the Soviet Union, and I certainly don't agree with much of Putin's beliefs, but I don't hate Putin and I certainly don't hate a Russian because he or she is Russian. Ditto China, etc.

Similarly, a lot of Americans disagree with what Bush does, but that doesn't mean they hate Americans because of it. And a lot of Brits disagree with what Blair does. Hating an entire nation because you dislike the actions of it's leaders is, in my view, peurile, and suggesting that "most" of the population of the US "hate" the people of those countries is, in my view, simply fatuous. So, what's your evidence for that ridiculous assertion?

Or is it more of the barrage of trite anti-American drivel that is so prevalent around here, periodically?
sequoia extreme anti-nation opions are present anywhere you go, that's a sad fact. It isnt limited to brits hating americans either
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james.miller said:
sequoia extreme anti-nation opions are present anywhere you go, that's a sad fact. It isnt limited to brits hating americans either
Indeed. I can understand why many people think that. But where on earth do people come up with ludicrous ideas like "most" Americans hating some 2 billion people just because of their nationalty?

Even if people hate what the US does, and it is at least arguable that there are sometimes good grounds for that, asinine remarks like "most" Americans hating 2 billion people are just fatuous. It's not a sign of a coherent dislike for the actions of the government (which, incidentally, were also opposed by large numbers of Americans), but is pure, unreasoning prejudice. It's blind dislike.

James, there are some members on here that are capable of detailed, educated analysis of US foreign policy, of environmental policy, and so on. Fine, they often have a point. They are eminently capable of expressing good grounds for objecting to what the US, as a State, does. I have no objection at all to rational objections to or even dislike of US actions. But that is far from the same thing as alleging "most" of a population of 290 million people "hate" other nations. That is just farcical .... no, it's worse than that. It's ignorant. Which is why I asked for justification of that ludicrous assertion .... which, I note, has been markedly lacking.

Sure, there's a lot of anti-US feeling. Some of it I fully understand, some of the reasons I actually agree with. Some of it, though, is based on ignorance (for example, of Bush's attitude to global warming), and some is irrational prejudice, which is exactly what Amp34 accused "most" of the US population of. That actually makes the accusation not just ignorant but hypocritical as well.

If people bitch at US actions, I will either argue or agree with them, depending on the point being made. But to accuse "most" of a 290 million strong population of 'hatred' of several other entire nations .... well, words fail me. Rarely, even in the anti-US feeling on here, have I seen such rampant stupidity as evidenced by that remark. If it wasn't for the fact that there's so many good sensible people here, even those that don't like much of what the US does, I wouldn't be saying all this. I'd simply have gone and not come back.
I knew that would get a nice reply. :rolleyes:

It was more a comparison with what you said about alli, the very reason I quoted you. I am sure he doesn't not like everyone in the US as as you said that is very naive and stupid. As not all americans hate the 2 billion people i said. Maybe i did go over the top with the 'most' part but there are still a substantial amount of americans who are 'brainwashed' into thinking all those countries and their populations are inherently evil. A smaller (and i mean small)minority would probably beat up and kill people from those countries just because they are from one.

The US popuation has one of the lowest geograpical and world historical knowledge in the western world which in part is why there is such a big problem. People dont have the knowledge to argue with what the US administration pumps out. I know its not exactly the same but this thread and this link do display my point a little.

From the article

Mr Griffin said he believed that the Americans soldiers viewed the Iraqis in the same way as the Nazis viewed Russians, Jews and eastern Europeans in the Second World War, when they labelled them "untermenschen".

"As far as the Americans were concerned, the Iraqi people were sub-human, untermenschen. You could almost split the Americans into two groups: ones who were complete crusaders, intent on killing Iraqis, and the others who were in Iraq because the Army was going to pay their college fees. They had no understanding or interest in the Arab culture. The Americans would talk to the Iraqis as if they were stupid and these weren't isolated cases, this was from the top down. There might be one or two enlightened officers who understood the situation a bit better but on the whole that was their general attitude. Their attitude fuelled the insurgency. I think the Iraqis detested them."

As i said its not quite the same but a lot of this can be put down to knowledge problems and the fact people believe what the US administration say without doubt. This is not just a problem with american people, there is also a problem in the UK, there are a hell of a lot of people who believe outright whatever the UK government say, but its not quite as bad. There are problems with this all over the world, fuelling major conflicts and civil wars.

But to accuse "most" of a 290 million strong population of 'hatred' of several other entire nations .... well, words fail me. Rarely, even in the anti-US feeling on here, have I seen such rampant stupidity as evidenced by that remark.

I find that remark rather offensive actually, maybe i can't write things quite as eloquently as you but that doesnt mean I am stupid, there is a fine line between debate and personal attack and you just crossed that line. Even if I did think that most or all americans hate people just because of the country they come from that would still be my decision, there could have been serious thought and research gone into that comment, just because you disagree with it doesn't make me stupid. Do you call all politicians who don't agree with you stupid?
Amp34 said:
I knew that would get a nice reply. :rolleyes:
See, now that was just uncalled for. It was a pretty nice reply really, as is yours - good to see some debate going on.

People have different viewpoints and that's what forums are for, but silly statements will also get indignant (and expected) replies....just back up your point and don't lower the tone. Better reading for the rest of us, which is the whole point :)

Ok i have to admit, maybe i did cross the line with that one, it was rather uncalled for.

Now how did we manage to get onto this from talking about obesity. :p
VIRII said:
LOL on an internet forum everyone knows the charm of making.

I prefer the phonetic spelling though:

Anal Nathrach uthvas bethad dochiel dienve

I love it when merlin goes:

A dream to some........A NIGHTMARE TO OTHERS!!

Fig. 1: A British man calling an American man fat.
Amp34 said:
I find that remark rather offensive actually, maybe i can't write things quite as eloquently as you but that doesnt mean I am stupid, there is a fine line between debate and personal attack and you just crossed that line. Even if I did think that most or all americans hate people just because of the country they come from that would still be my decision, there could have been serious thought and research gone into that comment, just because you disagree with it doesn't make me stupid. Do you call all politicians who don't agree with you stupid?
Good. I'm glad you found it offensive. Just as I find it offensive to be told that "most" of the citizens of my country are guilty of unreasoning prejudice and "hate" 2 billion people just because of their nationality.

Would I call politicians, or anybody for that matter, who doesn't agree with me stupid? Of course not .... unless they say stupid things like that.

From the same post of mine that you quoted, I said "James, there are some members on here that are capable of detailed, educated analysis of US foreign policy, of environmental policy, and so on. Fine, they often have a point. They are eminently capable of expressing good grounds for objecting to what the US, as a State, does. I have no objection at all to rational objections to or even dislike of US actions. But that is far from the same thing as alleging "most" of a population of 290 million people "hate" other nations. That is just farcical .... no, it's worse than that. It's ignorant. Which is why I asked for justification of that ludicrous assertion .... which, I note, has been markedly lacking."

And, for reference, I didn't cross 'the line' on personal attacks. I said that remark was stupid, not that you were. Or are you claiming that such an assertion about, and I have repeatedly emphasaised this, "most" Americans was true? No, you aren't. You've just admitted it went too far. Yes it did, and it was damned offensive.

If you want to criticise the US, go right ahead. There's certainly plenty of fertile ground for doing so. That I don't mind. Provided it's a sensible criticism, not a daft caricature. But I'm sufficiently fed up with so many remarks that are just bile, that when I see one so blatantly unsupportable as that, I'm not going to just let it pass.

And, finally, what did I say about alli that you object to? Was it that I pointed out that, actually, he was wrong? I'd already made the point, quite clearly, that the US is NOT top of the obesity leagues. If you don't believe me, check out the World Health Organisation, or the International Association for the Study of Obesity.

So, seeing as the first two remarks I made to alli were addressed directly at the incorrect assertions he made, I have to conclude that what you didn't like was
No sh.... erm, no kidding. I wouldn't have guessed. Still, disliking 290,000,000 people having never met the vast bulk of them is justifiable. Somehow. I suppose.
Yeah, that was sarcastic. But, when someone claims he dislikes 290 million people when the VAST majority of them he hasn't met, exactly what type of response do you want? I mean, what's the justification for that, if it isn't ignorance and blind prejudice which, incidentally, is precisely what you accused virtually my entire nation of!

You do NOT see me attacking people that object to US foreign policy, or the environental stance, or corporate America, or ..... etc. I might disagree, and I might (or might not) argue, but you won't see put downs. But I'm fed up with the "only in America" type remarks. A good number of people on here think it's fine to make such patronising remarks, regardless of the fact that there are Americans on here and that they are likely to find such remarks offensive, but it's not OK for me to point out the daft nature of disliking 290 million people you've never met? I didn't insult alli. I didn't call him names. I merely pointed out that the remark was unjustifiable. As was yours.

Amp, I don't think you're stupid. I don't know you well enough to have an opinion on that. But I do, quite seriously, think that what you said was not only highly offensive, but seriously stupid. This is why I asked you to justify it. So far, instead of any statistical justification of your condemnation of hundreds of millions of people, you've quoted remarks giving the opinion of one individual. How many Americans does that one individual actually know? How representative are they? Did he actually, even if everything he said is 100% accurate, say ANYTHING that justifies insulting "most" of 290 million people? Is that seriously what you base your opinions of 290 million people on? Press reports and third-hand anecdotes?

Amp, I have nothing at all against you. But the comment you made was typical of a style of thoughtless and unpleasant anti-American remark made on here. The difference was that your remark was perfectly susceptible to a critical dissection and to, metaphorically speaking, handing you your head for the simple reason that it is so patently obvious that it is untrue and unjustifiable. I'm trying, however, to make a MUCH more general point concerning trite and glib gross characterisations, of the "only in America" type.

Most of the time, I can't be bothered to challenge those remarks. I just amend my Ignore list with the names of those making them. This time, however, it was a step too far.

Once again, nothing personal and I don't regard you as stupid. As I said, I quite literally don't have an opinion on that. But I would suggest that if you don't want to have stupid remarks categorised as stupid, don't make them.
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Jonny69 said:
Oi you lot. My thread. Stop arguing ;)

Now someone say something funny :D
My apologies, Jonny. And in case there's any misunderstanding, my moaning about the "only in America" stuff was NOT aimed at you or this thread. The intent of this thread was obviously lighthearted, and it got taken seriously off-track, in part at least, by me (though I didn't start it, I just rose to the challenge). Anyway, you have my apologies for my part in the hijack and, unless things change, I've said my piece now.
You're spot on Sequoia. I'm not American nor do I have any American relatives yet I still find the moronic wave of anti American sentiment and generalisation borderline offensive. It'd be great if everyone formed their own opinion from experience rather than buying in to what ever the current trend is.
Sequoia said:
My apologies, Jonny. And in case there's any misunderstanding, my moaning about the "only in America" stuff was NOT aimed at you or this thread. The intent of this thread was obviously lighthearted, and it got taken seriously off-track, in part at least, by me (though I didn't start it, I just rose to the challenge). Anyway, you have my apologies for my part in the hijack and, unless things change, I've said my piece now.
Heheheh, no worries :D

Note: I'm not serious ;)
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