Is your Boss your friend?

My boss is alright, but I wouldn't spend time with her outside of work, much the same as I wouldn't expect my staff to want to spend time with me outside of work.

Besides, I have nothing in common with anyone at my work, other than that we all work at the same place.
My immediate boss - no. Nothing particularly wrong with him in the grand scheme of things, just that we are very different people and that our sense of humour is quite different. He's also quite over-conscious of overstepping the professional line - something I wish he'd just let go sometimes. An example is when he constantly feels the need to explain his jokes in case he offends someone.

Don't get me wrong we go out occasionally (and I mean very occasionally) for team lunches and drinks after work, it just rarely happens. I think he likes to draw the line between work and play. He didn't even come to the Christmas party last year.

I do however go out for drinks with other managers in the company and the CTO (my boss's boss) who is a bit more of the sort of person I can have a laugh with out of work, and can roll with the banter.
I work in a small branch, so i see the same 7 people Monday to Friday 7:30am to 4:30pm - So we are all quite close.

We regularly go out to the pub and have a good session ( we are all aged between 20 - 30 years old so have same interests etc. )

I also enjoy whooping my managers butt on Black ops pretty much every night as he's addicted :o:D
He's ok. I wouldn't call him a "friend". He is 22 years older than me though so don't have loads in common other than our line of work.

He can get on my boobs tho, he is the kind of guy to whom status is quite important and he likes to pontificate but not actually really do a great deal when it comes down to it. Came from a wealthy family and as a result I think his life has been reasonably easy compared to most "normal" people. He sometimes doesn't realise this, I think.

Don't see him out of work but he's been quite good to me in my time here. There are worse people I am sure!
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