ISIL, ISIS, Daesh discussion thread.

1. We only sent a couple of jets, and they won't all be out at once
2. It's a massive area to patrol
3. They won't be flying 24/7
4. It's an enemy who don't sit in big military bases or in large formations, who hide amongst the population
5. We are probably being incredibly careful to avoid syrian army, Russians, rebels and civilian areas and casualties
6. Most targets will be 4 blokes in a Toyota pickup, not exactly easy to identify who they are
7. We have no jtacs deployed on the ground who ID targets to aircraft

So not that surprising really
Indeed. It's just a meaningless article, reposted because it fits sensationalist rhetoric about the government lying to us all or whatever.

If we actually read the stats, they're from a very small time line, not from when SHADER began anyway. Anyhow, we're not using numbers of casualties as a guage anyway since the mission statement isn't "kill every single ISIL member". Therfore the article is meaningless.
Really? You can't believe he takes crap like that in? Read most of his posts and it becomes abundantly clear of the crap he takes in and spouts out!

I'll be honest, I don't really take much notice of posters names but manoz peaked my interest with his stupidity.

I stopped reading here -

Al Qaeda was not behind the 9/11 Attacks. September 11, 2001 provided a justification for waging a war against Afghanistan on the grounds that Afghanistan was a state sponsor of terrorism, supportive of Al Qaeda. The 9/11 attacks were instrumental in the formulation of the “Global War on Terrorism”.
Source for number being wrong?

I was speaking in the same context as you Dj Jestar. The context being that the UK have gone to war on lies and misconceptions. Given how long ago we started SHADER, then the EF death count is much higher than 7. Source for that? Me. However, I then bothered to read into the article and realised it's over a tiny time frame with which the article has taken that data and completely ran a none story with it.

As I've already alluded, all of this is meaningless anyway, even if talking about pre-shader plans, there was no claim that we'd kill all ISIL members anyway. So your intent to use numbers of fatalities as some sort of measure is completely moot. No one has lied to anyone about anything.

The actual mission statement was to disrupt, degrade and destroy ISIL. Consider the progress made: SDF inbound on Shaddadi forcing ISIL out and now bearing down towards raqqah. PESH liberating swathes of areas in the north of Iraq. ISF pushing and reclaiming ramadi. ISIL funding sources drastically reduced, (they've even had to slash all their wages in half). Then we have much of their leadership hot tailing it to Libya. By those counts I'd argue these are better guages of how the situation is materialising and that we have indeed disrupted and degraded ISIL and we're well on our way to destroying it.

Needless to say, I suspect anything I post will be ignored/misinterpreted/fall on your deaf ears. I suspect that to avoid that I should post and run meaningless articles that subscribe to your rhetoric instead.
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