Anything to get some attention. It's disrespectful to the dead at the very least.
I love how you immediately take what he posted as the full truth, as if he just said 1 minutes silence is ******** without any other commentary or explanation.
Anything to get some attention. It's disrespectful to the dead at the very least.
I love how you immediately take what he posted as the full truth, as if he just said 1 minutes silence is ******** without any other commentary or explanation.
Then you also have to include Bosnia and Kosovo imo - we should have let the Serbs ethnically cleanse these areas rather than let them become hotbeds of jihadism.
Doesn't need any explanation, whatever his immature childish irrelevant views are to call a one minute silence for 30 murdered British people total ****** is despicable.
Doesn't need any explanation, whatever his immature childish irrelevant views are to call a one minute silence for 30 murdered British people total bulls**t is despicable.
Our interventions in the mid east and N. Africa have been such a stunning success. It is worth noting that the guy who killed the people was trained in Libya by IS according to the Tunisians. Who created the mess that is now Libya and allowed IS to set up a training camp(according to US intelligence) ? The UK and France. Stop meddling.
So do you believe we were still right to attack Iraq and Libya, and that we are not at least a (fairly major) part of the reason these countries are in the state they are in now?
Also, do you have any evidence of the rampant jihadistm in Serbia? I must have missed that when I was there last year... Or is a bit like your no go areas in the UK?
I won't be taking part in 'Dave's' one minute silence either, the man is a pillock. He doesn't dictate what people are allowed to think or feel about what happened (though I'm sure he would like to).
The gunman trained in free Libya, cheers for helping him 'Dave'!
No-one should let anyone ethnically cleanse anywhere :/
lol at people who think the region was stable before we intervened, people keep saying this crap and its still crap everytime its posted.
Just ******* in the wind. The only way to sort the problem would be to nuke the whole region and ban all religion.~
Of course that will never happen so I expect this to go on for decades.
Just ******* in the wind. The only way to sort the problem would be to nuke the whole region and ban all religion.~
Of course that will never happen so I expect this to go on for decades.
In case you missed it, Islamic State have been ethnically cleansing parts of Syria and Iraq of non-Sunni Muslims over the past year or so. We've (the West) stood by and let it happen.
I refuse to call them Daesh, it's a meaningless word and stupid