ISIL, ISIS, Daesh discussion thread.

They call themselves IS, so just call them that. If people have a problem with it they can blame the guys who made up the name.

That our political masters are concerning themselves greatly over what the enemy should actually be called??

This conjurers up the image of the survivors of the "B Ark" arguing over what colour the wheel should be without having even yet established its shape!

Were all doomed I tells ye!
You'd be surprised at how much deliberation that goes on regarding how they are referenced in reporting.
In case you missed it, Islamic State have been ethnically cleansing parts of Syria and Iraq of non-Sunni Muslims over the past year or so. We've (the West) stood by and let it happen.

I think the Iraq war was the last time the West will ever try to resolve a matter proactively rather than reactively (through fear of political accountability if they get it wrong).

Sick *******s... any idea what happened to those 300 girls they kidnapped a while back?

I thought it was the Arabic for Islamic State.

Daes "one who crushes something underfoot", Dahes "one who sows discord", they do not deserved to be called Islamic state they are neither Islamic or have state. Many country's call them by this name.
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Daes "one who crushes something underfoot", Dahes "one who sows discord", they do not deserved to be called Islamic state they are neither Islamic or have state. Many country's call them by this name.

Well they are Islamic, the group called ISIS is made up of muslims. It calls itself Islamic State. Why would we want to change the name to Daesh? Is this so that this terrorist group is not connected in any way to Islam? The mental gymnastics and word games of some people trying to disassociate ISIS (and all things Islamic terrorism) from Islam is hilarious. :D
Well they are Islamic, the group called ISIS is made up of muslims. It calls itself Islamic State. Why would we want to change the name to Daesh? Is this so that this terrorist group is not connected in any way to Islam? The mental gymnastics and word games of some people trying to disassociate ISIS (and all things Islamic terrorism) from Islam is hilarious. :D

What's hilarious is people like you saying that they are, with no evidence to back up your claim do you believe that the KKK or LRA are repenting Christians ?

Like I said in the other thread prove it, show me where in Qur'an or Hadith condones their actions.. good luck finding it.

It doesn't matter what they are called it doesn't make them Islamic and thats a fact.
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What's in a name? When it comes to how to refer to the extremist group that has terrorized Syria and northern Iraq and violently imposed a caliphate, a lot.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a bit of a misnomer, says France, as it lends the imprimatur of Islam to a group that the vast majority of Muslims finds despicable. "This is a terrorist group and not a state. I do not recommend using the term Islamic State because it blurs the lines between Islam, Muslims, and Islamists," France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said in a statement. "The Arabs call it 'Daesh' and I will be calling them the 'Daesh cutthroats.'"

The name Daesh, according to France24, is a "loose acronym" for "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (al-Dawla al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-Sham). The name is commonly used by enemies of ISIS, and it also has many negative undertones, as Daesh sounds similar to the Arabic words Daes ("one who crushes something underfoot") and Dahes ("one who sows discord").

Samantha Rollins

Moreover, while Daesh may indeed be disliked by those it is used to describe, it is, in the final analysis, still simply an acronym stemming from al-Dawla al-Islamiya fil Iraq wa’al Sham, which translates as Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (Syria). The MPs who have called for its use argue that it is pejorative because it refers to “one who sows discord”, although its use in that sense appears to have come as a result of its development as an acronym, not in advance. It is, however, close to the Arabic word which transliterates as “daes”, meaning someone who crushes.
The primary reason why Daesh appears to irritate the grand and posturing leaders of the so-called Islamic State, is the fact that it reduces the grandness and splendour of the posturing name they have given to the entity they seek to rule. In short, the very fact of it being an acronym is what lies at the heart of Daesh being disagreeable to those who purport to be the creators of a new Islamic caliphate. In that respect, Isis fulfils the same function. It is also, more prosaically, by now well-known and understood by readers; and that is not a fact which should be simply ignored.
It wasn't really difficult to find answers with Google, but no it must be a conspiracy instead.
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Just catching up with Question Time from last night, people are saying that intervening in Syria when parliament voted on it could have helped hobble ISIS. Are they seriously forgetting that the purpose of that proposed intervention was to help the 'rebels' that turned out to be ISIS?

How can the public be so staggeringly misinformed on this?
Just catching up with Question Time from last night, people are saying that intervening in Syria when parliament voted on it could have helped hobble ISIS. Are they seriously forgetting that the purpose of that proposed intervention was to help the 'rebels' that turned out to be ISIS?

How can the public be so staggeringly misinformed on this?

hmmm..were ISIS not formed in camp Bucca in around 2006?
Never-ending cycle of misery for all concerned including the autistic audience. At what point do you not turn the entire region in to glass with a nonchalant shrug under the banner of “humanity”. *

*prose formed from a mix of either apathy or total exasperation of the situation.

Or perhaps the media should desist giving these fanatics airtime and allow whatever military efforts to be considered to be taken privately, decisively and with absolute commitment regardless of the obvious collateral damage that will ensue. Preferably leave it to the Arab states and their US bought F16s.
They call themselves IS, so just call them that. If people have a problem with it they can blame the guys who made up the name.

Agreed. It's an accurate name since they are indeed a de-facto Islamic State, despite what the PM says.
Should we not intervene in Libya instead? i mean it also contributes heavily to the Migrant crisis... MP i.e. Moronic people.

libya is at civil war, there are more than 2 sides now unlike when there was a coop against gaddafi from Benghazi .

we would be idiots to try and bring stability to that country it ain't happening

Sick *******s... any idea what happened to those 300 girls they kidnapped a while back?
They are brainwashed, some have already committed suicide bombings

10 year old suicide bombers is just sick how any religion can tolerate that is just madness
It is not clear if the girls were coerced or were even aware they were strapped with explosives, which may have been detonated remotely. But experts say that Boko Haram appears to be using the children it kidnaps — such as the 276 Chibok girls who sparked the #BringBackOurGirls social media campaign — and using them as a readily available supply of suicide bombers.

"Using children to carry and detonate explosives is not a new tactic for Boko Haram but it is an intensification. Boko Haram has been abducting and conscripting children and young men and women for a long period for various purposes - they will be seen by the movement as expendable resources," said Elizabeth Donnelly, assistant head of the Africa program at London's Chatham House think tank.
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