Why the **** would anyone go to Syria anyway other than for the thrill of getting your head chopped off?
People who are involved in the ancient monuments that got destroyed during the first I.S occupation, Unesco etc.
Why the **** would anyone go to Syria anyway other than for the thrill of getting your head chopped off?
Kinda like the BBC.
Kinda like the BBC.
Last I checked the BBC is often critical of the UK government and their policies.
I wonder if there are any westerners or other outsiders in Palmyra thinking it was safe and are now possible targets for I.S torture\video.
I hope not.
Russia Today is a propaganda outfit for an authoritarian regime not a legitimate news source. I don't trust them in general, but I especially don't trust them were their masters interests are so clearly in misrepresenting the situation.
With recent advances it was looking like IS might go into cascade failure and spread to the wind merging with al nusra, etc. but this months updates looks like they've largely reconfigured for defensive operations and been reinforced somewhat fromsomewhereTurkey. Even with Aleppo falling it looks far from over.
Just saying.
Those aren't other sources, ThestigGT999, they're other websites re-posting the RT video. Would you like to try again?
George Osborne has told MPs that they share some responsibility for the terrible events happening in Syria.
The ex-chancellor said the unfolding tragedy in Aleppo had not "come out of a vacuum" but was due to "a vacuum of Western and British leadership".
is this better?
Nobody seems to want to tackle the root cause of the problem....
THE SAUDIS.... jesus.
If Saudia Arabia was wiped off the map, half of these well funded terror groups would cease to exist, but no, we cuddle up to the Saudi cavemen for what? The "oil" I guess...lol
Bring on fusion, and watch Saudia Arabia turn back into sand!
Aww, look at the resident dictators, championing the wiping out of countries and whole peoples.
Nobody seems to want to tackle the root cause of the problem....
THE SAUDIS.... jesus.
If Saudia Arabia was wiped off the map, half of these well funded terror groups would cease to exist, but no, we cuddle up to the Saudi cavemen for what? The "oil" I guess...lol
Bring on fusion, and watch Saudia Arabia turn back into sand!