so whats your solution to the current issues in the ME then?
There isn't one. Why... Are you suggesting wiping out a couple of nations is the solution?
so whats your solution to the current issues in the ME then?
There isn't one. Why... Are you suggesting wiping out a couple of nations is the solution?
I think we'll see Trump do something about them. Right now I expect some pretty senior Saudi officials are a tad nervous, especially since they bankrolled Hillary's campaign and still failed lol
Aww, look at the resident dictators, championing the wiping out of countries and whole peoples.
Yes, death to everyone I disagree with. Just like the Nazis did and isil do now.
I just see you criticise peoples opinions without ever having an answer of your own
and `there isn't one` isn't a solution.
like the jihadist's you defend ??
Because there isn't an answer. How can I give an answer that doesn't exist? Stop trying to score points. Got to love the forum circle jerk of dictators
so I call you out and you resort to an ad hominem attack?
Wahhabism is the issue - notice how the mass media is not reporting the destruction of Islamic sites in yemen. why? well boris hit the nail on the head.
wait until the great mosque of sa`naa is bombed by the Saudi`s.
oh and they have Pakistani nukes already and a Chinese system to deliver them
Behave. Trump is a business man, doing "something about them" would be bad for business.
Harlequin...that's hardly an attack. I think you need to grow some thicker skin and toughen up a bit. Bless.
The House of Saud needs a lot more done to them than just a drop in support, but i gather such justice will never take place.
that is down to perspective , wiping the country out will not solve anything - it will harden resolve as it will end up being `islam vs everyone else` , rather than Wahhabism against anyone that doesn't agree with them (remind you of any extremist groups getting its backside kicked?)
but its the age old conflict , which kicked off about 20 years after muhammed died....
Nobody seems to want to tackle the root cause of the problem....
THE SAUDIS.... jesus.
If Saudia Arabia was wiped off the map, half of these well funded terror groups would cease to exist, but no, we cuddle up to the Saudi cavemen for what? The "oil" I
Bring on fusion, and watch Saudia Arabia turn back into sand!
Who does Gideon think he's kidding? There's no side we could have supported in the Syrian Civil War. All an intervention would have achieved is more £billions wasted, hundreds of dead British troops, and probably a bunch of unsavoury warlords in power. I'm still of the opinion that we are better off staying out of it. All that has changed over the last few days is that there are now two sides in the Syrian civil war that I don't want to win whereas before there were three sides I didn't want to win.
Because it worked so well in iraq and even better in libya right..But he said he had "some hope out of this terrible tragedy in Syria" that "we are beginning" to learn the "price of not intervening".
again what is your opinion of what should happen for peace in the middle east?