ISIL, ISIS, Daesh discussion thread.

It was always just going to be a few specific sites getting hit. Only way this escalates is if Putin fully loses he plot and attempts any attack on US, UK, Or French targets.

Also lmao at the Russian propaganda posters in here
Exactly. I just said in another thread, the escalation would have been Russia attacking the launch sites. But they’ve not taken the opportunity. Thankfully that was a load of bluster.
Suppose they still could as I imagine the ships will be around the Med for a bit but that’s unlikely.
a scientific research centre in Damascus, a chemical weapons storage facility west of Homs, and another storage site and command post nearby.

“Right now, we have no additional attacks planned” the US defence secretary, James Mattis, said. “This is a one-time shot.”

That is some real top notch intelligence gathering just days later. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I am getting pretty sick of these russian bot accounts. they are ******* everywhere.

there is having an opinion and then there is spinning a massively distorted narrative, something these accounts love to do.

and if in fact they are native UK posters. my question is why are you so stupid?
If the inspectors mentioned before confirmed all the chemical weapons stocks where destroyed did they just blow up an empty warehouse?

Cause blowing up a full one would jsit be madness wouldn't it?
The Syrian state may have had hidden stockpiles. They may have had hidden precursors. They may have made more in the meantime. They may have been restocked by the Russians in the meantime. Etc, etc.

Didn't they have ships offshore processing stuff for ages?

Which leads me back to bombing actual chemical weapons in a populated area would be sheer madness wouldn't it?
I am getting pretty sick of these russian bot accounts. they are ******* everywhere.

Bot accounts... Is that tin foil hat beginning to itch?
there is having an opinion and then there is spinning a massively distorted narrative, something these accounts love to do.

What asking for evidence, reason and investigation? Well I never knew such things were an extreme view to have

if in fact they are native UK posters. my question is why are you so stupid?

We would hit back saying the same. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya now Syria... Notice a pattern here? Disaster after disaster after disaster and you think Syria will be good despite ALL verifiable evidence and experience showing we have the exact opposite effect on what we smugly say we are trying to achieve.

The fact you are now supporting ISIS and have not allowed an investigation to substantiate both sides claims is troubling.

Also, I don't believe without questioning what the UK/US govts say. You follow blindly. Others like to open their eyes.

Hopefully this will be a one time hit. But, a sovereign nation has been attacked by multiple others under the alleged disguise of protecting people (by killing them). In WW2 and subsequent trials we called this the gravest crime of any nation; an act of aggression
When will the world ever grow up?
Done the right thing IMO. We must not allow use of WMD's and especially not against their own people.
I'm sure those backing Russia, Assad are doing so out of their own fear.
End of day, we, the West and many other nations (East too) are trying to make the world a better place. We cannot let the threats of one nation put us off doing the right thing.
Unless the world grows up and sees us all as rather special, works together, moves away from greed, war etc, we're probably doomed anyway.
Personally I think enough is enough. We should get in there and end it. The government have used WMD's twice. Time to bring peace........
Also, it's all very well being an arm chair fighter but put yourself in some of these pisitions:
1. If British government used chems on us, we'd want intervention (stupid scenario I know, but a compassion none the less).
2. If you lived in Syria, with young kids, one of which died from chemical agent, you'd be thinking differently right now.
As for saying we supported them in the past. TImes change, mistakes are also made at times in history.
All IMO anyway :D.
If you're afraid now for your own safety in little old UK, grow a pair.
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Here we go again, they've not even bothered to present us with a dodgy dossier this time, just tell us that they have one. Why have these attacks been conducted prior to OPCW inspection? There's suggestion that they will potentially hinder OPCW inspection and prevent an independent investigator from attempting to establish evidence for who may have been responsible, who does that benefit?

James Mattis, the US secretary of defense has freely admitted that they have no evidence that the Syrian regime were guilty for last years chemical attack. A year after we attacked targets in a sovereign country because we had categorical evidence that the regime were guilty and we're still being told the regime was categorically guilty of it. They can't even keep their story straight, how anyone swallows this absolute garbage is baffling.

When will the world ever grow up?
Done the right thing IMO. We must not allow use of WMD's and especially not against their own people.
I'm sure those backing Russia, Assad are doing so out of their own fear.
End of day, we, the West and many other nations (East too) are trying to make the world a better place. We cannot let the threats of one nation put us off doing the right thing.
Unless the world grows up and sees us all as rather special, works together, moves away from greed etc, we're probably doomed anyway.
Personally I think enough is enough. We should get in there and end it. The government have used WMD's twice. Time to bring peace........

Because we have an awesome track record of bringing peace to the middle east don't we, we are literally the experts. It is literally the thing we do best. Mediating between groups of barbarians who hate each other so much they're willing to saw children's heads of in the hope they get in to heaven.

They have not used WMDs.

Also, it's all very well being an arm chair fighter but put yourself in some of these pisitions:

The cognitive dissonance is strong in this one. read what you write, you're literally arm chair fighting.

1. If British government used chems on us, we'd want intervention (stupid scenario I know, but a compassion none the less).

For years they tested all kinds of chemicals on us without knowing the effects of them.

2. If you lived in Syria, with young kids, one of which died from chemical agent, you'd be thinking differently right now.

If I lived in Syria right now I dare say i'd be enlisted in the Syrian army fighting to protect my family from ISIS, Al Nusra, and any number of other 'rebel' groups who have been raping and pillaging their way across the country, destroying families, murdering children and all the while bearing arms that may as well be stamped with 'Made in the USA/UK.'

As for saying we supported them in the past. TImes change, mistakes are also made at times in history.
All IMO anyway :D.
If you're afraid now for your own safety in little old UK, grow a pair.

Mistakes are being made right now.

Your post is beyond asinine.
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Here we go again, they've not even bothered to present us with a dodgy dossier this time, just tell us that they have one.

And what makes you think you have the right to one? What makes you think your opinion is even of any importance? Newsflash - you are nothing. What you think counts for nothing. They do not need to justify anything to you.
The Syrian state may have had hidden stockpiles. They may have had hidden precursors. They may have made more in the meantime. They may have been restocked by the Russians in the meantime. Etc, etc.

Didn't they have ships offshore processing stuff for ages?

Edit ::

Being a manic dictator myself I certainly wouldn't move my stockpile of chemical weapons after just using it.

Just such a hassle of getting the stuff out of the door.
Chlorine isn't a chemical weapon though so it wouldn't really be in such a place.

A tank at the airfield where you use it would suffice etc
I feel the lack on transparency is just protecting those that make decisions from political accountability. It makes me uneasy. If you have evidence then say so - don’t keep it confidential just so you can’t be criticised for acting on it later.
Yeah, they've pretty much got free rein and nobody can question it.

If people do question it they are dismissed as 'conspiraloons'.

We're ******!
When will the world ever grow up?
Done the right thing IMO. We must not allow use of WMD's and especially not against their own people.

If its true about them using WMDs against their own people its wrong! That's our job!

I'm sure those backing Russia, Assad are doing so out of their own fear.

Concern that no investigation has taken place and that the evidence comes from a group that has conducted gas attacks on the Kurds and is a terrorist network. Not fear. The fear is held by the Western nations governments that their people will wake up and realize the sheer level of deceit.

End of day, we, the West and many other nations (East too) are trying to make the world a better place.

I actually burst out laughing when I read this. :D

And we made a great job haven't we. Slave markets in Libya, thousands of [UK/US backed] terror groups operating in the region.

We cannot let the threats of one nation put us off doing the right thing.

Even if most of our own citizens are against the war... **** em.

Unless the world grows up and sees us all as rather special, works together, moves away from greed etc, we're probably doomed anyway.

Pity that.

Perdonally I think enough is enough. We should get in there and end it.

Or... Leave Assad to defeat ISIS and pressure for reforms. We could get out and that would end it.

The government have used WMD's twice.

A statement that has neither evidence nor corroboration excepting the mostly highly questionable (inc some terrorist) sources.

Time to bring peace........

If I wasn't on my phone I would refer you to the erudite posts from Sven256 in another thread showing the living standards in Govt control and those under ISIS control.

Also, it's all very well being an arm chair fighter but put yourself in some of these pisitions:
1. If British government used chems on us, we'd want intervention (stupid scenario I know, but a compassion none the less).
2. If you lived in Syria, with young kids, one of which died from chemical agent, you'd be thinking differently right now.

I'd be wanting to know to whom my choler should be directed toward first.

for saying we supported them in the past. TImes change, mistakes are also made at times in history.

Yes they do... We swapped Assad for ISIS. Sounds like a progression.

If you're afraid now for your own safety in little old UK, grow a pair.

Not at all, just don't want to be in a situation where this attack puts the citizens of the country in an untenable position.

General Melched/UK govt to British Citizens:
"We're behind you"
Blackadder/Red pulled citizens:
"About 35miles behind us"

Wars begin where Governments fail their people
I feel the lack on transparency is just protecting those that make decisions from political accountability. It makes me uneasy. If you have evidence then say so - don’t keep it confidential just so you can’t be criticised for acting on it later.
The general public is too stupid to make any kind of international decision, most people go to protests without even knowing what they are actually protesting against. People in general are so poorly informed and everyone has their own action plan based on this ill informed position. Seems everyone here is happy to let Assad and Russia go rampant on a people who just wanted to live their lives freely.
And what makes you think you have the right to one? What makes you think your opinion is even of any importance? Newsflash - you are nothing. What you think counts for nothing. They do not need to justify anything to you.

Because they are using my tax money to prosecute a war in a country that poses no threat to our security and has actually been doing a bloody good job at smashing the same terrorists that are blowing up children in the UK and driving trucks of peace in to shoppers. That's why I think I have a right to know exactly what the hell we are playing at and what the hell we expect to gain from our intervention at MY EXPENSE!
Because they are using my tax money to prosecute a war in a country that poses no threat to our security and has actually been doing a bloody good job at smashing the same terrorists that are blowing up children in the UK and driving trucks of peace in to shoppers. That's why I think I have a right to know exactly what the hell we are playing at and what the hell we expect to gain from our intervention at MY EXPENSE!

And the innocents they've murdered indiscriminately and actively in some cases?
The general public is too stupid to make any kind of international decision, most people go to protests without even knowing what they are actually protesting against. People in general are so poorly informed and everyone has their own action plan based on this ill informed position. Seems everyone here is happy to let Assad and Russia go rampant on a people who just wanted to live their lives freely.

Yeah, ISIS just want to implement sharia law and live peacefully, all they want to do is throw gays off of buildings, stone women to death, destroy anyone that wont convert. Just peaceful, fun loving things.
The general public is too stupid to make any kind of international decision, most people go to protests without even knowing what they are actually protesting against. People in general are so poorly informed and everyone has their own action plan based on this ill informed position. Seems everyone here is happy to let Assad and Russia go rampant on a people who just wanted to live their lives freely.
I was just saying that it’s rather convenient that they always limit the info and keep things vague so that they can’t be criticised for it. It’s been this way since Iraq - it’s been shown how politically damaging ‘getting it wrong’ can be.

It’s not a case of making alternative plans, I’d just must rather be able to able to hold leaders to account when they mess up.
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