When will the world ever grow up?
Done the right thing IMO. We must not allow use of WMD's and especially not against their own people.
I'm sure those backing Russia, Assad are doing so out of their own fear.
End of day, we, the West and many other nations (East too) are trying to make the world a better place. We cannot let the threats of one nation put us off doing the right thing.
Unless the world grows up and sees us all as rather special, works together, moves away from greed, war etc, we're probably doomed anyway.
Personally I think enough is enough. We should get in there and end it. The government have used WMD's twice. Time to bring peace........
Also, it's all very well being an arm chair fighter but put yourself in some of these pisitions:
1. If British government used chems on us, we'd want intervention (stupid scenario I know, but a compassion none the less).
2. If you lived in Syria, with young kids, one of which died from chemical agent, you'd be thinking differently right now.
As for saying we supported them in the past. TImes change, mistakes are also made at times in history.
All IMO anyway
If you're afraid now for your own safety in little old UK, grow a pair.