If its true about them using WMDs against their own people its wrong! That's our job!
Concern that no investigation has taken place and that the evidence comes from a group that has conducted gas attacks on the Kurds and is a terrorist network. Not fear. The fear is held by the Western nations governments that their people will wake up and realize the sheer level of deceit.
I actually burst out laughing when I read this.
And we made a great job haven't we. Slave markets in Libya, thousands of [UK/US backed] terror groups operating in the region.
Even if most of our own citizens are against the war... **** em.
Pity that.
Or... Leave Assad to defeat ISIS and pressure for reforms. We could get out and that would end it.
A statement that has neither evidence nor corroboration excepting the mostly highly questionable (inc some terrorist) sources.
If I wasn't on my phone I would refer you to the erudite posts from Sven256 in another thread showing the living standards in Govt control and those under ISIS control.
I'd be wanting to know to whom my choler should be directed toward first.
Yes they do... We swapped Assad for ISIS. Sounds like a progression.
Not at all, just don't want to be in a situation where this attack puts the citizens of the country in an untenable position.
General Melched/UK govt to British Citizens:
"We're behind you"
Blackadder/Red pulled citizens:
"About 35miles behind us"
Wars begin where Governments fail
their people