Turkey is not completely out matched conventional force wise in a fight with Russia, especially when you take into account maintenance and battle readiness but all their manufacturing capability would be well inside range of Russia's reach while Russia has vast amounts of industry well outside of Turkey's ability to attack - without external help and lots of it ultimately Turkey would not fair well. I'm not sure it is a war Russia can afford economically though even if they fully took over Turkey in the aftermath.
We shall seen. Things are tricky atm. Only an idiot starts war during the SARS pandemic and expects others to support him.
Also best for everyone, Turkey should be broken to pieces like it was after the Sevres Treaty. Thats the best solution if someone wants true peace in East Med and Middle East. Atm Turkey is supplying Saraj in Libya with chemical weapons, tanks, artillery even Turkmen troops from Syria to fight LNA. Against UN weapon embargo. To the point LNA sank a ship out of Tripoli full of APCs and tanks and Turkey keeps complete silence about the videos posted online by LNA.
Is also working with ISIS since the start of the wars in Iraq & Syria. Except if ISIS now became "our" friends because of Turkey. And thats something the Greek delegation pointed at NATO on Friday-Saturday session while vetoed everything. It would be hypocritical showing support to Turkey when it's troops are fighting alongside the left overs of ISIS & Al Qaeda. Or god forbid nave NATO attack Syria & Russia to support ISIS & Al Qaeda as Turkey was demanding.
Madness. It would break apart everything in both NATO & EU.
In addition Turkey tries to find a way to destabilize Egypt again. It succeeded partially with the Muslim Brotherhood, but things went pear shape when the Egyptian generals took over stopping Morsi to sign the same treaty Saraj (Libya) has signed with Turkey, while he was trying to clense the country from anyone non muslim. (who forgot the attacks against Christians & Churches?) Effectively making the country a vassal state to Turkey.
And Turkey needs Saraj in Libya to destabilise Egypt again but....
As you see in addition to issues with Cyprus, Israel, Greece, Turkey is the country that tries to destabilize the whole region while trying to rebuild the Ottoman Empire, as per Erdogan's own words.