ISIL, ISIS, Daesh discussion thread.

Let us not forget there is an information war going and that casualty lists are to be viewed with skepticism.

Russia is unlikely to mess about. The US hates that Russia is there, the UK does too and its probable that the UK and US govt might be worried about their dirty affairs being stumbled upon. Lets not forget financiers of this war are the same people who want to go in and get Assad.

The only difference between a civilian and a terrorist is someone has managed to go and take the weapon from the man who a few minutes or hours before was playing out the real life CoD.

Agree with the Shaker poster, he should be returned immediately to Saudi wearing and American flag tattoo with two men kissing on his back and a picture of Mohammed on his chest. Mozam Begg iirc was the person who was actually photographed by someone from the Sun newspaper (credibility plummeting) who was captured with a load of Taliban fighters. In my opinion, scum like this need their citizenship revoking, all funds seized and being shipped back to their country of origin.
Those figures suggest that on average over the campaign, the us have killed eight isis chaps per day.
Given they have somewhere between 32000 and 200000 chaps, it will take between ten and eighty years to get rid of them.
Doesn't seem like the best use if resources.
Putin threatens to escalate his invasion of the Middle East, targeting Libya and Yemen:

VLADIMIR PUTIN has issued his strongest warning yet of fresh military interventions in the Middle East, with lawless Libya and war-torn Yemen in the Kremlin’s crosshairs.

The Russian president said his priority was to protect citizens living abroad, regardless of where they were.

That could include action to safeguard Russians living in the North African state of Libya, which has been ravaged by violent Islamic extremism since the fall of dictator Colonel Gaddafi.

Speaking at the fifth World Congress of Compatriots in Moscow, Mr Putin said: “People who are not in Russia due to various reasons should be firmly sure: we will always protect your interests. Moreover, in difficult and crisis situations, such as in Libya, Syria or Yemen.”

Jihadists shell Latakia University, bus stop, killing and wounding dozens of civilians

At least 23 people have been killed by shelling in the Syrian city of Latakia. Another 65 were injured, Didn´t jihadi supporters claim there aren´t ISIS terrorists in Latakia province?? So this terrorist attack did "moderate" CIA backed "rebels" .....It´s time for Russia to wipe out all these FSA/ISIS/Al Qaeda/Al Nusra CIA backed terrorists off the face of the earth...none of them are any better than the other...
Syrians demosntrate their support for Assad and Putin.

You wont see this on any mainstream media source as it derails Obama's plan to oust a government supported by their people. Eliminating the Syrian perspective on this enables them to do what they did in Libya.
The only difference between a civilian and a terrorist is someone has managed to go and take the weapon from the man who a few minutes or hours before was playing out the real life CoD.

Agree with the Shaker poster, he should be returned immediately to Saudi wearing and American flag tattoo with two men kissing on his back and a picture of Mohammed on his chest. Mozam Begg iirc was the person who was actually photographed by someone from the Sun newspaper (credibility plummeting) who was captured with a load of Taliban fighters. In my opinion, scum like this need their citizenship revoking, all funds seized and being shipped back to their country of origin.

Fulton baloon extraction and delivery. 4.2 million Syrians have fled the country, The rest who remain in my book have sympathy for ISIS. The world is so messed up and full of lies though we are told different.

And we are told shaker Aamer is not a radical islamist terrorist. Yes and i am papa smurf.
Jesus wept. Are you just a bit dim?! You know that no one denies some Syrian people support Assad, right? Videos showing that people support Assad isn't exactly breaking news. Can you show that support is widespread/that a majority are of that view/etc?

Yeah Damascus is largely a stable city and I think the majority support Assad there. Knew someone working in the oil in 2012 and they have a few contacts over there still.
Got anything better than anecdotal evidence? And even if a majority in Damascus support Assad, that doesn't mean a majority of Syrians do.

He would not control the areas he does without support from locals, The same applies to ISIS. And guess what? All the minortys are camped with Assad in these places. So lets just say you get your way and the majority of Syrians vote for democracy and elect an Islamist leader. Now even more people flee Syria to leave it as a 100% Sunni Arab Islamist state. Yup that would be exactly what Israel would want as an excuse to invade and take the rest of the illegaly occupied Golan heights?

Is the name Moses a coincidence for these views are you pro Israel? I know for a fact that Israel is gagging for revenge as Assad's father was part of the six day war against Israel. And Israel does not forget.
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Got anything better than anecdotal evidence? And even if a majority in Damascus support Assad, that doesn't mean a majority of Syrians do.

Arguably not. Iraq has a right to self-defence, and others have a right to help them in collective self-defence, do they not?

That pretty decent evidence coming right from the horses mouth no?

I mean if anyone knows it will be native Syrians in Damascus as to what is going on in Damascus, I didn't say the whole of Syria, I said Damascus. But what I went to show was that it's know that a portion of Syrians do support Assad, I don't see your point.
Sorry Moses i thought you were putting an arguement that Assad only had a small minority and should just leave office for a democractic election. Some people actually do want this and just like Mufti Merkel are naive and deluded to the tidal wave of minority and shia refugees that would hit Europe and Iran or Lebanon.
This thing is never going to be over. I won't be surprised if all the afghanis we trained before leaving turn to ISIS or another group we don't support.

If Mr Roddenbery (if that's his name) is correct we need this **** to escalate sooner so when the klingons come we actually have spaceships lol.
They knew a fair bit about JJ, He did English teaching courses and a degree in computing. Why? And did he really want to go to Tanzania for a safari? Or was he just trying to get to Syria that way or to Boko Haram or something?

they stopped him in 2009 and 2012 and then he decided to go to Syria. I cannot help but wonder did that push him on and is all of this pure revenge on the spooks who kept tracking him on his flights? I wonder how they picked them up do you think there is a secret programme where all Muslims who board planes and registered on the census are looked at and discussions taking place with the destination? He was refused entry into Kuwait and Tanzania came back to the UK and then finally popped up in Syria.
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