It just can't be possible or?

Why are people listening to cassettes again? They were terrible then and they are still terrible now or is it some rubbish about the "warmth" of the analogue sound?

this, you can't even make the sound quality argument because you listen to it more than half a dozen times and the tape will twist.

the world has moved on, but when it comes to listening to audio this is not a bad thing.
The world has moved on, but tape could sound very good.

I had a Denon DRM-800A back in the 90s that with good metal tapes sounded virtually the same as the CD source you were taping from.
Would it be possible to use an old walkman plugged into the line in of a PC to digitise the audio using Audition or similar program?

(random question, but topic adjacent and not worthy of a thread of it's own) :p
just out of curiosity, how old or what age bracket should a boomer be in?

Boomers are 56 - 64 years old..

For all agreed generations, this should help:
I think cassettes were more accessible in their day than the cd or dvd.

Though USB devices have stood the test of time.
Is it really so long ago that it's that hard to figure out?

Feeling old

Coincidentally my wife found this cassette this morning where I was asked to guest with a band in a studio in 1986 but I can't find anything to play it on.
Will it work in a toaster?

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