2Ghz Core Duo White MacBook...
Palm Rest Discolouration - Fixed at an Apple Store
Spontaneous reboots due to a stupidly wired wire that was passed next to the heatsink which caused the shielding to melt, create a short circuit and cut out the computer -
eventually fixed via an SMC update.
Random backlight flickering - still ongoing although it doesn't happen that often and when it does it eventually goes away.
Apple Wireless Mighty Mouse
The scroll ball at the top got clogged up enough that I couldn't fix it - took it to an Apple Store whereby the genius couldn't fix it. I got a brand new one there and then.
New one lasted just over a year then got too clogged up again. Since it was out of warrenty I had to pop the thing open and give it a full and proper clean.
It truely is the worst design in history...
Mac OS X
Tiger - Perfectly good
Leopard - EVERY update (ie. 10.5.1, 10.5.2 etc.) has caused problems (broken iSync, LOADS of SUID errors when trying to repair permissions) due to Apple's inability to create a working delta update. Full Combo updates work fine.
All have worked great
So, not exactly "It Just Works"
Saying that Apple Store guys (one guy in the Meadowhall store particularly) have been great