"It just works"?

I still don't get what you are driving at. Apple has problems - so does every other hardware manafacturer. I'm surprised you didn't jump on the SATA 1.5Gbps EFI Firmware bug whilst you're at it.

Paying for superior quality? I use Macs because they "just work"? Hmm.

Yes superior quality. My MacBook has a build quality higher than most other laptops and it just worked.
This sounds like a nasty issue if it requires the laptop to visit an Apple store for the fix.

I initally thought it was tied to the higher power GPU (requiring the discrete GPU to be enabled) but looking around it seems to be an issue for both GPUs. I find it sad that Apple is having to swallow the bad nVidia chips so frequently. Steve Jobs has switched for less than this.. me thinks they'll go with ATi the first decent chance they get.
Can everyone agree to abandon "Just Works™", regardless of merit? It's yucky and twee.

(Same goes for Switcher with a capital S, but, baby steps!)
I find it sad that Apple is having to swallow the bad nVidia chips so frequently. Steve Jobs has switched for less than this.. me thinks they'll go with ATi the first decent chance they get.

Actually ATI has it's own share of issues on mac and they are very, very bad at helping to code drivers. You would think some of the stuff was ironed our a long time ago and then Apple picks another card and gets new surprise. At the moment for example acceleration on 4870ies randomly crash applications using QE when in power saving mode. I have that problem, so do a lot of other users, but there is no cure, clue or even pattern as to why it happens on some cards ever since 4870 for Mac were launched.
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