IT REALLY annoys me!!!!!

Never been asked to take mine off around here......maybe you just look dodgy :p

If it happened to me and I was all kitted up with earplugs etc I'd just ride to the next garage. I don't even get off my bike to fill up now that there's a local pay at pump garage, never mind take off my helmet!
I take my helmet off out of courtesy, if I was afraid of the cold I would not be riding, besides the lid ends up under the Nexus's seat and stays warm on top of the engine :D
Used to work at a petrol station yeeeaaars ago and the reason we would request people to remove their helmets was because there were SOOOO many ride-offs without payment! With the number plate being on the back of the bike, CCTV proved useless and on various occasions where I let the rule drop I had to leg it out along the dual carriage way trying to write out the offending parties number plate!

It may be an inconvenience but unfortunately it's mainly to do with those naughty people out there who just don't want to pay up :( So lay your curses on those people who end up giving us lot a reputation!
and what about us ugly folks?

shouldnt make us take helmets off imo,its a silly policy,make us come and pay first then!!! Its just to inconveniencing and rather silly when most bikes hold £10-£15 tops £7 average fill up for me,cctv is everywhere now on filling stations
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I pose a challenge!

Some one print their face onto some vinyl and slap it onto their lid and see what happens when they go to fill up!:D:D
I pose a challenge!

Some one print their face onto some vinyl and slap it onto their lid and see what happens when they go to fill up!:D:D

You first... don't forget to film :D

That'll show 'em.

A little immature i'll grant you that, but luckily most petrol stations seem fine around this way. Only been asked once before to remove my helmet.
I have no problems with removing my lid - dead of winter, or heat of summer (when we get one :D), as I can appreciate that the garage isn't doing it to **** off bikers, it's just part of their job and as someone mentioned a ruling.

What I do object to, it the **** hole car driver waiting behind me, constantly creeping forward as I don all my kit again - just wait two minutes mate! I once had a guy ask me to wheel my bike forward when I went in to pay - I told him where to go (there were also many pumps free!).
Well I have flip front and as of yet, have never been asked to remove it. Although I do make it obvious I am not trying for a quick get away......pull up, flip front up, take gloves off, put them on front of handle bars, open flap and fill....all this while still sitting on the bike.

PS. Why would you only put £7 in a zx10...... :p
Been asked once, simply put the key back in and rode off to the station OPPOSITE the road. Guess what, it was a Shell, on the other side, BP lost their money.

I go to the same petrol station in Reading all the time, so much so, the guys behind the counter create small talk with me :D

Bu yea, if asked, I simply ride off to the next petrol station, I can't be bothered to take my helmet off lol, I'm too lazy.

In a shop, understandable, you could be anyone.
and what about us ugly folks?

Do you wear a helmet at all times in public because you are so ugly? It's hardly a valid defence is it?

It's a bit of a pain in the neck I agree, but I can see the reason for it so I take my helmet off when getting fuel. My bike has an alarm as well, and it re-arms whilst I'm filling up but it doesn't cause a problem unless you are moving the bike around whilst filling it.
I don't think I've ever been asked but then I do the whole helmet off & hair shakey thing when I stop. :o + :D
......My bike has an alarm as well, and it re-arms whilst I'm filling up but it doesn't cause a problem unless you are moving the bike around whilst filling it.

Datatool series 4 C1 red ***.....doesn't re-arm the motion sensor when it arms itself, precisely for this reason.....although the increasing beep beep beep beep beep countdown does get me a few glances as I fill up, sounds like its leading up to a bomb going off :D

Edit : why has it starred out F.T.W.....
Interesting.. I think its a Series 4 Red that I have.. will give it a try next time :)

Thanks for the info
I flip the lid up and have never been asked to remove the helmet.

I was once asked to get off the bike for 'health and safety reasons' though. I impolitely pointed out that it was more dangerous to fill up off the bike and in fact, I had already filled up.
Never been asked myself, probably because of the 'old man's bike' :).
I was once asked to get off the bike for 'health and safety reasons' though. I impolitely pointed out that it was more dangerous to fill up off the bike and in fact, I had already filled up.
What makes it more dangerous getting off the bike than staying on? I do it all the time and never really thought about any safety implications.
I guess it depends if you have a centre stand or not.

To fill the tank right up the bike obviously has to be straight, and therefore if you don't have a centre stand its easiest to do this when you're sat on the bike.

I guess you could hold the bike up straight but it's a bit much to do whilst trying to fill the tank too.
i prefer to stay on the bike too,its easier plus you get better idea of how much petrol you can squeeze in the tank when its upright,and yes dogbreath im hidiously ugly!!!

today i took my revenge on asda petrol station and used the pay at pump,dont like these modern fangled gizmos,but it went fine,thats my two fingers rampant to asda!!

still say its an idiotic policy considering all the modern cctv and the amount of fuel bikes take
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