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Its a bit boring now don't you think?

29 May 2007
If you own an ATI gfx card you can download HALF-LIFE 2 Deathmatch for free through steam !! Its my favourite all time game its quick an intense and there are so many levels ... if you aint played it give it a go ... its bloody good! ;)
16 Aug 2003
warren_1979 said:
Its that bad I'm installing my old games again, Freespace 2 has been installed again, System shock 2 as well + Quake 3.

I upgraded my 1950 pro to an 8800 GTS last week.

First game I played was Starfleet Command 1, released in 1999. At it's maximum res of 640x480 my 8800 flew ! In fact I'll go on record in saying that the 8800 is certainly better than the Voodoo Banshee I originally ran it on, I'm guessing in SFC1 it gives me at least 5 FPS better and no slowdown with multiple enemies on screen.

Modern technology clearly rocks.
28 Oct 2005
I love my 7300gt since the fact the summer sucks for games it does the job! so not really missing my GTS as such atm but anyways when I do get it back....eventually then I will just sell it before I go to florida then pick up a good card for a nice bit of cash ;)
8 Nov 2006
Hmmm, got this little 8600gt which I bought for another pc to run fs9 with. Well, it didn't work well with fs9, so have currently got it in my machine in place of my 8800gtx, and I am really impressed with it considering what it cost.

I am notplaying with the idea of keeping the 8600gt and selling the Leadtek 8800gtx for around £300 and paying off some debt with the money, or saving it for a card later in the year.

the gt runs f.e.ar, oblivion, tomb raider anniversary very well as well as all the opengl games. Sadly it does struggle a bit with GRAW, but I think I could put up with that for a few months. There simply isn't anything coming up apart from GRAW 2 that I want to play. a 8800gtx is a lot of card and money for just one game...
12 May 2004
The problem is every possible genre in 3D gaming has now been done to death, and because games these days take so long to develop, its not that often you see anything original.
5 Sep 2006
West Ewell, Surrey
I am just hoping they do a good job with Hellgate:London, considering it should have been out in autumn last year but got put back to this summer.

Then all we need is Diablo 3 and all will be good in the world of RPGs.
8 Nov 2006
willhub said:
Crysis will be original :D

No, it won't. Alines invade earth. You are earths last hope. KILL, KILL, KILL!!!

But, it should be a lot of fun :)

And quite frankly, thats the problem with most games now. They aren't much fun. I think everyone would prefer original story lines with fun game play to all the flash!

Personally I qould be quite happy with people making more games based on the doom 3 engine for some time. It can look great, it runs well.

What we need is companies specialising in things more to not only reduce development times of games, but also alleviate some of the more difficult aspects - say some companies that produce AI engines similar to the Physics engines used in games.

Just imagine, developer goes to AI company "Hi, we are building an FPS with some advanced alien soldiers, but also some dumb bug things which crawl up walls and have very basic killer instincts. Can you please customise some AI routines for these?"

Another developer goes to them "Hi, am building an RTS set in 1550. Unites I need are....."

Obviously, it may not be that simple, but it's just an idea.

Similar could be done for textures, although that would be more limited as most games will need more than any amount of generic textures.

I am sure that could free up developers of games to concentrate on what they want to do with the game rather than simply getting the majority of it to work without crashing.
9 Jan 2006
ffallic said:
Just imagine, developer goes to AI company "Hi, we are building an FPS with some advanced alien soldiers, but also some dumb bug things which crawl up walls and have very basic killer instincts. Can you please customise some AI routines for these?"

Another developer goes to them "Hi, am building an RTS set in 1550. Unites I need are....."

Obviously, it may not be that simple, but it's just an idea.

Similar could be done for textures, although that would be more limited as most games will need more than any amount of generic textures.

Actually a lot of AI work and texture work is covered by a fairly small number of private contractors; individuals who've set up limited companies to avoid paying tax, but who are, for all intents and purposes, employees of a games designer for the duration of a game.

There just aren't that many people who are that good at these things, so they float between projects and companies.
16 Feb 2007
man_from_uncle said:
Actually a lot of AI work and texture work is covered by a fairly small number of private contractors; individuals who've set up limited companies to avoid paying tax, but who are, for all intents and purposes, employees of a games designer for the duration of a game.

There just aren't that many people who are that good at these things, so they float between projects and companies.

Off topic

Now that is interesting. I'am having a problem with a not so reputable garage atm and his way of hiding is behind non-tax registration. Beginning to really hate all these tx dodgers. FFS just pay the tax, it isn't much like it was once or could be e.g. Norway, Sweden etc
Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
Not that bothered tbh.

No new gfx cards and no new games? Just play some old games on old cards then :)

Even if the gfx/games industries were frozen for a couple of years I still wouldn't run out of quality titles to play. So many fantastic games I'm itching to try out but haven't had the time yet.
24 Dec 2005
HangTime said:
Not that bothered tbh.

No new gfx cards and no new games? Just play some old games on old cards then :)

Even if the gfx/games industries were frozen for a couple of years I still wouldn't run out of quality titles to play. So many fantastic games I'm itching to try out but haven't had the time yet.

why would I want to replay old titles?

This is PC.

I want new stimulation.Not regurgitation
15 Nov 2006
Yes there's very little reason for me to upgrade my PC currently and the 360 lineup is far more interesting than the PC for this year I think.

Not going to upgrade till Crysis is out either. (and depending on reviews I may not even upgrade)
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