Tommy Robinson dislikes Islamic fundamentalists (especially terrorists) and has been subjected to racist abuse both physical and verbally for trying to expose Islam for what it is.
Apparently you're now a racist nazi for speaking the truth against the religion of peace.
You may want to watch Tommy Robinson's Oxford union address on YouTube. Yes the same Oxford currently saving the world with a not for profit vaccine gave Tommy Robinson his own slot to address their members.
It's great to jump on bandwagons and I suspect yes a lot of his followers may be racists but Tommy himself is actually trying to tackle a real problem in this country which spreads worldwide.
I'd like to know how many folk have actually listened to his Oxford union address rather than just read what's spouted about him in the tabloid's. As we already know the media has its own agenda to promote hatred and fear. To form an opinion on him based just off tabloid gossip would be ignorant. I used to think he was a racist too until I actually heard his views but I don't think he hates black people or think they are beneath him. In fact a lot of his friends are black the media has portrayed him in this light.
So to answer your question no I wouldn't call them all racist Nazis. Only some of them will fall into that category and Tommy cannot exactly control who follows him and it's the media which has made that type of person become a follower of his rather than Tommy himself by promoting him as a racist.
Again Tommy doesn't shed himself in good light by supporting count Dackula or whatever that idiots name was but his agenda isn't racist although it may look that way to everyone who has never actually listened to him.
Bare in mind this is Oxford university here. Do you really think they would entertain a racist and give him the platform to amass 3 million views on this video alone?
I'm not a supporter of his but I do believe that he has been shone in a very bad light for his beliefs which are that Islam is an intolerant religion which tbh is true.
Before anyone responds it would be helpful if they actually listened to him for once rather than media gossip. I've made it easy by embedding the video above.