It's snowing

loads of it in middlesbrough. and seems the council spent all the road gritting money that daft big wheel thing...

roads are just ice and compressed snow with ques of traffic in every direction
Just been back out for attempt two at getting up the hill to my house, made it this time since there was no traffic on the road so I could get a decent run up.

Only cars I saw were big 4x4's and taxi's, then theres my crappy little clio screaming up the hill, she did me proud :D
Not snowing here: Shrewsbury.

Is this thread part of a scientific weather trial? Hope not.

Anyway - as stated - not snowing here.

Good thread though.
Just been driving back from my gf's house. Was only in there an hour and come out to pure white snow about 2inches thick.

So scary as i needed to go up a steep hill to get out of her close and up an even steeper road to get to my house :( what would take 10mins took me about 40 as i was just drifting everywhere.
Update from the edge of the North York Moors, well and truly SNOWED IN here.

By Friday afternoon we had a good 6-8 inches, I went up to high ground where it had drifted in places up to 4-5 feet!

Today (Sat), well, its easing off now; but its been snowing since about 6PM, 5 hours of constant snow on top of what we already had. Will be out on foot again tommorow but can't see getting anywhere by vehicle. Looks like near a foot or so outside now, must be a lot up on the moors.

Watched a tractor trying to get up a lane today, on top of the tarmac was good a 0.5 inches of compact ice, zero grip, near impossible passage. Taken plenty of pics, looks like I have plenty of spare time on my hands to sort through them. The dogs love it though, except for the terrier who struggles a lot when its above his waist/belly line.

The way the forecast is shaping up I'm gonna be snowed in for a while.
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Some lovely slow falling large flakes of snow falling at the moment in Amersfort (Netherlands).

Have had snow here for a fair few days now and it's a chilly -8 outside :).
Sorry. :(

That was my internal temperometer (which I might add is usually pretty accurate!) but according to the BBC site it is now 0 in Bedford (about 20 miles from me) but it's definately warmed up since I went for a walk. :p

EDIT: We've had about an inch since the snow started again (about 3/4 hour ago), and it's still going strong! :D
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