It's snowing

Hmmm, nice, just has to pop out in the car. No snow since Thursday night, although it's so cold that the pavements and smaller roads still have some snow on them, but the ICE!!!

Literally like driving on an ice rink! Sliding all over the shop lol
My view.

Thats a primary school and there is no snowmen or iggloos.

What are kids doing these days?

The ice melted and froze again, so lots of black ice now around here. No sign of snow yet, but its meant to come tomorrow.
So why you back indoors, go out and enjoy it!

Just went to pick Mum up as she can't drive in the snow. Treated her to a handbrake turn and she absolutley crapped herself! Was ****ing myself all the way home.

Had to prove I did it on purpose by teaching her how to drive on snow so I made her think I know what I was doing! :p
Off for the weekend? :)

And Christmas actually!

Still asa kid I knew that there was unmolested snow in the school at all times so would go round and make snow men and stuff.

I never went to that one. I wish I had could roll out of bed 5 mins before the bell
Just went to pick Mum up as she can't drive in the snow. Treated her to a handbrake turn and she absolutley crapped herself! Was ****ing myself all the way home.

Had to prove I did it on purpose by teaching her how to drive on snow so I made her think I know what I was doing! :p

Would have been so funny if you had crashed when you did that lol. Well, not for you, but maybe your mum :D

I got stuck twice on my 3 mile journey so came back home instead of lolling around!
Loads of ice on the roads tonight. I could barely walk up my lane without slipping over and I saw a car go down there sideways! :eek:
next to sod all snow in nottingham.... again.

however when i spoke ot my parents re visiting them over xmas they report theres 4-8 inches of snow in places in boston (lincs) theres never any there!

photos to come! (excuse their size)


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next to sod all snow in nottingham.... again.

however when i spoke ot my parents re visiting them over xmas they report theres 4-8 inches of snow in places in boston (lincs) theres never any there!

i'm living in boston atm and we have had bout 6 inches and its awesome :D

Got about 3-4 inches lying here now, hope it isnt to bad in the morning as i got to travel to work along some roads that arent great at the best of time.
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