It's snowing

Currently raining.
Snow is down to minimal slush / ice in places.
Havent had snow since last week :(

Same in Herts too, the weather really is trying to remove all the snow before tomorrow. Were predicted some reasonably heavy sleet later so I think any snow tomorrow will depend on the temperature, if the sleet falls mainly as snow I doubt there will be any snow tomorrow, but if it falls as snow then.:D

(I'm guessing the former though...:mad::()
Its slowly thawing here but there is still loads of pretty deep snow on the ground. unless it starts to rain there will be a nice covering of snow on the ground for Christmas day :), shame it isn't snowing though.
It's been bad round Rossendale. In Clitheroe there was a good 2-3 inches of snow, was really nice :) It's been such a long time since it's been like this.
It's going slowly thank god! Want to ride my bike, been far too long, and it needs a clean really badly :(

Just 8 miles up the road despite no difference in elevation the snow is allot deeper there,it's melting here, slowly, but due to the cold nights it's hardly melting.
well its back with a vengance here.

Started last night at 11pm as sleet.

Now its coming down in large chunks, cant see where you were in the last load its that deep.


and to show the depth

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