It's snowing

Been watching cars try and climb a hill on my street and slide back down all day! Best was a huge transit slide backwards and take out a lampost.
Not seen a single flake here in the west mids.

this winter sucks.

Havent had even enough to make a snowball yet and all the news has been for weeks is 'snow disruption!!!'
Dudley (west mids) has got a nice covering now, tempted to find a deserted car park and go for a spin:p
The problem here is it just isn't getting a chance to melt. It's only snowing a few inches at a time but the temperature isn't getting above freezing for it to melt. Today it got up to -4 but it's dropped to -12 again :/ Glad I took this week off work, too many idiots are still driving like it's summer time. I mean it's -4 and they think they don't need to change their driving to accomodate the weather conditions. I went out for a walk this morning it was freezing but very pretty...





...and this nosey little chap followed me up the riverbank for quite a while :)
The problem here is it just isn't getting a chance to melt. It's only snowing a few inches at a time but the temperature isn't getting above freezing for it to melt. Today it got up to -4 but it's dropped to -12 again :/ Glad I took this week off work, too many idiots are still driving like it's summer time. I mean it's -4 and they think they don't need to change their driving to accomodate the weather conditions. I went out for a walk this morning it was freezing but very pretty...


...and this nosey little chap followed me up the riverbank for quite a while :)
Absolutely beautiful pics mate :)
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