It's there actually anything (fantasy/sci fi) to watch on prime?

13 Jan 2010
Signed up for a month trial because I wanted a deal on prime day. So thought I'd check out prime video.

Can't find a thing I want to watch.

Any good films/tv series that are decent?
Sci-fi fantasy only.

Rings of power.. Seems a 50/50 split between 1 and 5 stars! Is it any good?
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have you seen the expanse? Its sci-fi based on some novels (which imo got increasingly bad) but the series is pretty good In my opinion.

As above I mostly have prime for the deliveries, and honestly theres something about the UI that makes it very difficult to find thing you want to watch
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I'll probably give it a go. I mean I don't see anything else on there

I'm not one for worrying about shows obeying lore etc. I can enjoy things in isolation fine
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Rings of power was alright, don't get the hate personally.

I'd recommend a series but seems they all get cancelled on these streaming sites anyway
Rings of power was alright, don't get the hate personally.

I'd recommend a series but seems they all get cancelled on these streaming sites anyway

Yeah. It's like you need to wait until something is fully out to commit.

I'll give rings of power a go.
When votes a split 5 and 1 it's usually something that wouldn't bother me that causes the 1s. Like "following the books" or something
Expanse was some of the best sci-fi to have been released in the last 10 years :) I thoroughly suggest trying it again, but dont multi-screen it and give it your full attention.

It ends properly too, opposed to being cancelled mid-run.


The first few episodes are a bit of a slog so you do really need to push through and by season 2 it really picks up I thought .

@413x how about Stargirl? Not seen it but it's meant to be good.

The first few episodes are a bit of a slog so you do really need to push through and by season 2 it really picks up I thought .

@413x how about Stargirl? Not seen it but it's meant to be good.
Stargirl is decent enough, but season 3 hasn't been picked up in the UK and given that the show has ended I'm not sure it ever will
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