It's there actually anything (fantasy/sci fi) to watch on prime?

It doesn't end abruptly, it ends at a a natural pause in the books timelines.

As stated above there's a 30 year jump between book 6 (where the tv show ended) and where book 7 begins.

I was responding to a comment regarding the martial arts sci-fi/post apocalyptic show called Into the Badlands:

I really enjoyed the first season but there was quite an abrupt tonal shift in the 2nd season I couldn't get on with so never watched anymore.

The second season does change things up, but I stuck it out and found myself really enjoying some of the new locations and the introductions of a few new characters.

I really liked Nick Frost's character.
Yeah, oops. On my part, I really enjoyed The Expanse too. I'm not much of a reader but the show did make me curious enough to pick up the books and carry on through the time skip.
I was thinking about watching Into The Badlands. Post-apocalyptic martial arts action? C'mon, I'm in! Actually found it while checking out the new actress from Foundation Season 2, which while not on Prime, is worth watching if you're into sci-fi.
Not really super keen on peripheral. I mean it's not too bad. But the time travel stuff is. So full. Of loop holes it's hard to over look.

Its not that it's bad. It's just hard to look past it

Not sure I'll get to start and finish another show before trial ends
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