It's too hot :(

Oh wow, some powerful units there! The unit on the landing should still cool any hot air coming up from below which might take the edge off the heat/humidty in the bedrooms. Maybe a couple of fans blowing in to the bedrooms will assist that before bedtime too. What kw is your outside unit? I have 3x 2.5kw units (all in bedrooms / office) and a 5.5kw outside unit (Mitsubishi electric).

I also have a 3 story house, although my landing on the top floor would not suit an AC unit at all. I mainly wanted to cool the master bedroom for sleeping at night time but the installer would not install just one room so I had to go for at least 2 rooms. I thought best to get my office and another bedroom which would no doubt be a kids bedroom when that eventually happens.

I had an 'option 2' on my quote for having some more units installed with another outside unit, that included the lounge/diner and large 'guest' bedroom. I've been testing keeping the hotter rooms doors shut the last few days and it really does make a massive difference on keeping the rest of the house cool. My kitchen is below my two AC rooms on my middle floor and the kitchen gets very hot (a lot of glass). In hindsight maybe I should have got an AC unit in the kitchen.

You have to draw the line somewhere. Ideally getting a unit in every room of the house would be perfect but in reality as long as I have one room to cool off to sleep I will be happy!
Haha, one company I contacted for a quote (a much larger national chain) suggested 6 units (essentially one in each room) and wanted about £12k for it for some no-name chinese branded units. No thanks!

I think the outside unit is itself 7.5kw - so my understanding is that since this is essentially "shared" between the two units inside (that total 12.5kw... or actually maybe it's a 2.5kw unit downstairs for 10kw total I'll have to check) - it means that you won't be able to run them both at absolute full-tilt (or rather, if you do they won't quite be cooling as much as they could do) and then you can just balance them depending on the time of day (so if you turn off the downstairs one it will allow the upstairs one to work at maximum, or if you run the upstairs one at ~50% it'll allow the downstairs one to run at maximum). I don't suspect we will really run the downstairs one in the evenings as once we've had dinner we usually head upstairs for most of the rest of the night (our lounge is on the 2nd floor), and likewise we won't be as bothered about the upstairs temps in the daytime.

I'm hoping not to need fans as the unit upstairs does the whole L/R or U/D panning type thing which should get the air moving into the rooms. On the topic of fans though the other room on the ground floor is our office which is tiny but has 2 PCs and a bunch of guitars, amps etc. in it and can get quite hot. If having a unit in the next room doesn't help enough I'm thinking about possibly mounting a kind of quiet extractor fan at high level which blows from the office into the kitchen/diner/family room, which should hopefully push hot air into that room and draw some cold air in from the doorway. But I'll wait and see first, might not be necessary
Yikes that is very costly for unbranded units! I went with a small company that my friend recommended after having his flat done in London. I think you will probably find you can fire up both units and they wont cool as quickly to start with, but once the temperature is reached they will easily maintain it no problems at all.

Fingers crossed yours will have a nice impact on your other rooms. I think you might find your office will be an issue though with all of your kit in it. If I have the room next to my office on and leave the door open, the office temp (1 PC and 1x amplifier - onkyo a-9010) does not drop at all and normally keeps on going up slowly as the day goes on. Saying that though, it depends if the internal unit your thinking of blows towards the office door, that might be different then.
Lovely, very welcome breeze taking the edge off the heat today, I might even be tempted to head out on the bike this afternoon instead of waiting until near or gone dinner time! :eek:
On the subject of AC, I've been hammering mine the last few weeks as temps here (mid East) are reaching 45c+ so needs to be on constantly in the kitchen and most times in the rooms were in.

The issue I have is the condenser pipe at the back is creating huge puddles of water where it drains out in the garden which is not nice meaning we have to step over a puddle when going into the garden. Anyone with any experience have any tips?

So far I have put the kitchen AC on a smart timer to alternate every hour on/off to ease the amount of condensation drained and added a makeshift tray to catch the water in so it can evaporate in the day time. This has mitigated it somewhat but after a better solution. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Haha, one company I contacted for a quote (a much larger national chain) suggested 6 units (essentially one in each room) and wanted about £12k for it for some no-name chinese branded units. No thanks!
You will probably find they loaded the quote to scare you off. Air Conditioning companies usually avoid domestic work like the plague as it's significantly more agro and lower profit than commercial work plus there's more commercial work than companies to do it in the first place.

As an extra note, was the brand they offered GREE? If so they're actually the world leader in domestic air con, just thought I'd mention it as people often assume the domestic brands are junk when they're not because they're used to hearing commercial names like Mitsi, Tosh, Daikin, Fujitsu, Hitachi etc.
You will probably find they loaded the quote to scare you off. Air Conditioning companies usually avoid domestic work like the plague as it's significantly more agro and lower profit than commercial work plus there's more commercial work than companies to do it in the first place.

As an extra note, was the brand they offered GREE? If so they're actually the world leader in domestic air con, just thought I'd mention it as people often assume the domestic brands are junk when they're not because they're used to hearing commercial names like Mitsi, Tosh, Daikin, Fujitsu, Hitachi etc.

We used Gree for our units in the past, we now amalgamated with Hitachi, small splits we point customers to them, larger stuff 20Kw+ we use our own built.
You will probably find they loaded the quote to scare you off. Air Conditioning companies usually avoid domestic work like the plague as it's significantly more agro and lower profit than commercial work plus there's more commercial work than companies to do it in the first place.

As an extra note, was the brand they offered GREE? If so they're actually the world leader in domestic air con, just thought I'd mention it as people often assume the domestic brands are junk when they're not because they're used to hearing commercial names like Mitsi, Tosh, Daikin, Fujitsu, Hitachi etc.

It didn't say specifically, just said it was their "budget" option and in brackets listed a few brands that when Googled show up as Chinese ones on the cheaper end...

I guess they could have been trying to scare us off but they did repeatedly get back in touch asking if we wanted to go ahead which made it seem like they were quite keen to secure the work
Hope I get the Wednesday rain forecast, planted Afew things and the ground was pretty dry, Been giving the grass a half hour soaking every other evening but it needs a proper soaking
Today is first day it's been too hot for non fun stuff.

Was roasting even walking round the park at 6pm. 25c here but felt hotter. Much hotter.

Actually looking forward to a bit of a break in temps. Can't believe it's coming just as lockdown is easing. Probably not. Going to get any more hot weather rest of year!
meh dead wasp in my kitchen window must have got trapped behind my net curtains sometime today

love them or hate them they do a pretty good job of being the last defence against wasps, bees and moths.

spiders seem to get around them though...

lol does this really work?
How do you keep wasps and flies away from your house?
The trick is to place some copper coins in a plastic bag and then fill the bag with water. Tie the handles of the bag together and hang it from your door or window to stop unwanted bugs from entering your home

Does killing wasps attract more?
Do not swat and kill one wasp, as this can cause them to release pheromones that will trigger swarms
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Gutted. Going to be changing jobs (and thus a few days off) just as the weather turns.

Lockdown eases and weather just craters.
Today is first day it's been too hot for non fun stuff.

Was roasting even walking round the park at 6pm. 25c here but felt hotter. Much hotter.

Actually looking forward to a bit of a break in temps. Can't believe it's coming just as lockdown is easing. Probably not. Going to get any more hot weather rest of year!

I was in Scotland last year and there was easily 25 days of nice weather between July and September, the south east particularly can have great summers although hard to sleep at times if it’s particularly humid.
Just grabbed a 9000 BTU portable A/C unit, seemed like a good price, no reviews but I'm sure it will be fine.

Can't see it staying in stock long tbh. Will try it out in the bedroom, but main use will be during summer in my wife's home salon.

Turned the hot tub water down to 36.5, may have to drop it further at this rate.

needs a pipe :(

how is it portable around the home, if the pipe requires it to be near a window?

The problem I have is the window in my room opens very high up and opening it lets in hot air from the outside, which would cancel out the effect of the pipe cooling whats inside?

Summer has certainly come early this year, my room is hitting temps that are usually not seen until 3rd or 4th week of june.
Well weather's awesome and I can see the sea but still working unfortunately, can't complain after so much time off, beaches will be heaving this weekend

yeah I would enjoy the summer more if I lived somewhere nice, I would like to live in western part of the country to get the westerlies and also be a nice countryside or sea view.

Living in inner city Leicester in summer isnt pleasant.
It gets the job done!

The biggest downside of these units is the air they push out has to be replaced, so it will 'suck' in air from the door so effectively pulls hot air in from the landing for me which ruins the efficiency of it a fair bit. But it's still very good.

ahh so you can use the door of the room as an air cycling point instead of a window?
needs a pipe :(

how is it portable around the home, if the pipe requires it to be near a window?

The problem I have is the window in my room opens very high up and opening it lets in hot air from the outside, which would cancel out the effect of the pipe cooling whats inside?

Summer has certainly come early this year, my room is hitting temps that are usually not seen until 3rd or 4th week of june.

Yea you need a window for the hot air to be exhausted out of the room.

Had to workout later than usual so the log cabin was roasting. AC did a good job of keeping me cool.

how is it portable around the home, if the pipe requires it to be near a window?

I just had an imagine of someone walking around with a back pack version of those units :D

The problem I have is the window in my room opens very high up and opening it lets in hot air from the outside, which would cancel out the effect of the pipe cooling whats inside?

Someone a few pages back mentioned a perspex sheet they had affixed to their opening with the right size hole in it, that would fix that issue as long as the pipe reached.
We've moved and lost our fan - gutted! It was only a pedestal fan for about £25 but i'd kill for some moving air in my room right now!
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