It's too hot :(

We are having it just right down here ,yesterday was stunning but my god was it busy .crantock ,no way of driving down to beach ,same at hollywell ,ended up with a walk and chill down the Gannel and a mooch around newquay then bbq at home .
anyone wanting an amazing cafe in newquay ....................

Working on my patio table this morning under the parasol and even with the breeze it's warm AF!
I have had a big pedestal fan blowing in to the study since 7:30, and the window as open as it can be, and it is already just livable... I fear for the afternoon!

EDIT: The afternoon:

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There's a lovely wind here in the northwest. It's like sitting in a hairdryer. The only good things are that (1) it's a great day to wash bedding (2) my tomatoes have finally started to blush from green to red and (3) I can sit on my porch playing slide guitar and pretend I'm in South Carolina. At least, I can until the varnish on my guitar starts blistering.
For downstairs, I agree but for upstairs I run it nearly every day from late spring until autumn. I sleep better when the room is below 18 degrees.


Also whilst it isn't always needed to actually cool you'd be really surprised what a difference it makes just due to it dehumidifying the air, and if it has a streamer built in it neutralises particles in the air and stuff (great for the allergies)
There's a lovely wind here in the northwest. It's like sitting in a hairdryer. The only good things are that (1) it's a great day to wash bedding (2) my tomatoes have finally started to blush from green to red and (3) I can sit on my porch playing slide guitar and pretend I'm in South Carolina. At least, I can until the varnish on my guitar starts blistering.

Nice one -are you pretending to be Gerry Douglas :D

we put banana skins under our tommies and they have started ripening.

33c here.
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