It's too hot :(

Interesting... though at the moment that would probably just guarantee swarms of tiny 'banana flies'.They magically appear whenever there's a banana skin in the scraps pot outside the kitchen door. I should probably empty it daily instead of letting it fester though. :)

We've had a bit of rain now and it feels about 10 degrees cooler out there. Someone needs to tell the house that though. Now sitting inside a storage heater rather than a hairdryer. But at least I've not had to work in this heat. I tip my hat to anyone like the poor Amazon driver who dropped off here earlier. No AC in his little van, just parcels, a tight schedule, and not much chance to cool down in between drops.

If my memory serves correctly, bananas release ethene, which acts as a ripening accelerator. It's why you should never store any other fruits with bananas, unless you want it to ripen.
10pm, 22.4C outside, 32C inside!

Absolutely horrible day, drenched through, just about made it. Crazy neighbours have a fire going in their garden, like it isn't hot enough already...
10pm, 22.4C outside, 32C inside!

Absolutely horrible day, drenched through, just about made it. Crazy neighbours have a fire going in their garden, like it isn't hot enough already...

We used to live next to some morons that would do that. Every night during the summer heatwaves they have the fire going. Why?! Idiots. All it does is stink everyone elses houses out as the windows are wide open.
10pm, 22.4C outside, 32C inside!

Absolutely horrible day, drenched through, just about made it. Crazy neighbours have a fire going in their garden, like it isn't hot enough already...

38 degrees in my room earlier... and i've got blackout curtains. Everytime we get one of these days I promise myself i'll get an air-con, never end up doing it though.

I did intend on taking apart my broken PC today too as I had a day off, wish i'd gone into the office now.

Looks like next weekend will be more of the same.
Cracking day today. Really needed a hot sunny day to provide some much needed relief from all the virus shielding. 31c is a little much even for me, but after weeks and weeks of 15c and cloudy/raining I'll take it. It's just a pity we're back to the regularly scheduled programming from tomorrow. This month overall has been a travesty. :(:p
Was 36c when I got in the car at 6 to go to a BBQ. Got to my mates and his thermometer said 42c in the sun, mental.

Currently 01:00 and it's 30c in my upstairs with everything open, won't be sleeping tonight I don't think.

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