It's too hot :(

Thanks to yesterday’s cooler weather I’m only up to 24c indoors today. Felt hot outside when I emptied the bins earlier. Grateful it’s only for one day.
Looks like another hot day here tomorrow. We have only had 3 days below 20c highs in the past 31days. Those complaining of cold summers should move down south :p
Soooo glad I bought a couple of portable air con units earlier in the year. 36C outside, 24C inside
Half filled the large paddling pool for my boy today. Water was bloody cold, but he doesn't care about that.

My garden office is bloody sweltering though.
I might have to find a traffic jam to get stuck in on my way to work :s privacy glass + air con in my truck means it is probably as comfortable as anywhere when it is hot.
I have had a big pedestal fan blowing in to the study since 7:30, and the window as open as it can be, and it is already just livable... I fear for the afternoon!

EDIT: The afternoon:

You shouldn't let @Raymond Lin take your photos for you. ;)

Temperature got to about 32c here today and that was too much for me. :o:(
Bought a second hand bike 10 miles away and it would not fit in my wife's car.

I am now resting after cycling home and feeling like I was due a heart attack at some points along the way.
we put banana skins under our tommies and they have started ripening.
Interesting... though at the moment that would probably just guarantee swarms of tiny 'banana flies'.They magically appear whenever there's a banana skin in the scraps pot outside the kitchen door. I should probably empty it daily instead of letting it fester though. :)

We've had a bit of rain now and it feels about 10 degrees cooler out there. Someone needs to tell the house that though. Now sitting inside a storage heater rather than a hairdryer. But at least I've not had to work in this heat. I tip my hat to anyone like the poor Amazon driver who dropped off here earlier. No AC in his little van, just parcels, a tight schedule, and not much chance to cool down in between drops.
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