It's too hot :(

I read that the portable ones are crap. :p

In what way? I've only ever had portable units and love them. My newest is great as it has more auto features, so I've found setting it to 20oC before I go to bed works perfect and I get a great nights sleep with it just coming on every now and then to throw a bit of cool air into the room.

I wont lie, given the choice I would prefer an in built split system, but portable is just easier at the moment.
Currently in Preston and it’s been none stop lightning since 2300 absolutely massive storm. Not seen one go on this long.

Same here, it was really odd too. Seemed like there were lots of flashes in quick succession too before the thunder hit. Not just the usual big flash of lightning.

The rain actually kept me awake a lot of the night too as it was so heavy. We have an annoying skylight window in our en-suite so it was just pinging off that :(
Same here, it was really odd too. Seemed like there were lots of flashes in quick succession too before the thunder hit. Not just the usual big flash of lightning.

The rain actually kept me awake a lot of the night too as it was so heavy. We have an annoying skylight window in our en-suite so it was just pinging off that :(

Over 50,000 lightning strikes were recorded in the UK yesterday!

Windows and Doors open and still hotter than an active volcano here.
28.1C at my desk and rising, it'll hit 30C by the time I finish work in 3 hours

I have a USB fan the size of a 50p doing little to ease the situation, need to start saving for a loft conversion and air con if this home working continues!
My home office been so hot I went for a bike ride at 6pm in 34 degree weather last night and it felt comparitively cool outside.

Buying an AC unit for next year, enough's enough.
33C now at local station, on the other side of the city in SO16 there's stations reading 36 and 37! :eek:
32C here :(

Washing is drying at record pace but my ice cream is lasting seconds... Roll on next week and some rain just to get an actual nights sleep in
33C now at local station, on the other side of the city in SO16 there's stations reading 36 and 37! :eek:

Yep, bonkers heat down in Southampton today, seems to be hotter today than the past few days. My car was saying 35.6c driving around covering work today so I reckon it's about 32c or 33c for sure in West End right now.

Tonight is going to be unbearable again. Will be taking a quick dip in the pool before bed again tonight.
... Why can't the UK be more like Greece? :(

Greece has seen decades of very little tax receipts and massive over-spending, which had led to austerity the likes of which we've never seen, and enormous debt payments that have caused a crushing strain on the public finances. Why do you want the UK to be like that? :confused:

To answer your question (seriously), the UK is in a different part of the world, with very different geography and weather systems. If you want to live in Greece, why not just move there? :)
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