It's too hot :(

Looks like there's some big storms bubbling up over northern France. Hopefully they drift this way and clear some of the humidity!
Greece has seen decades of very little tax receipts and massive over-spending, which had led to austerity the likes of which we've never seen, and enormous debt payments that have caused a crushing strain on the public finances. Why do you want the UK to be like that? :confused:

To answer your question (seriously), the UK is in a different part of the world, with very different geography and weather systems. If you want to live in Greece, why not just move there? :)

Eloquently put. My response is much less so. If you want European weather, **** off to Europe :p
The air has been exceptionally hazy here today, but it has cleared a little bit this evening. Lightnening storms all day tomorrow forecast.
ive had enough !! :(

What was the weather like in august about 30 + years ago ?
i do not remember it being this hot before going back to school in September ?
We're supposed to be getting thunder but I can't see it happening myself. Generally, even when we do, it seems tame to me.

The last heat wave that I can recall was during the summer of 2003.
BBQ done and the nasty weather's been pushed back until tomorrow morning so tennis this evening :cool:

This country gets too much rain and cold weather, embrace a bit of warmth and enjoy the outdoors people.
It's too hot for my partner from the sub tropical bit of Japan, they generally have AC - but it's like this more than 3 days a year over there. It's the same reason we dont have snow tyres.
Was so humid in my office room today. No breeze.
I'm thankful you can't smell people on conference calls. I was desperate for a shower by days end. Just wandered round park and was 26c.. Fine.. Humidity.. Not so fun.

Still not complaining. Makes the beach amazing.
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