It's too hot :(

over 30 degrees and stuck indoors i go into panic mode. Im not looking forward to being in a scorching London for Summer. Sight seeing and the tube urgggggh. Its one of the benefits of moving away :(

gonna be the first time in my life when i can say ive been in -30 and probably +30 in the space of 6 months ! Would gladly settle for 0 and sunny skies all the time :O
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[TW]Fox;26320574 said:
Yes, because the Met Office know what they are doing and cheap thermometers are not calibrated instruments :p

And they are probably stuck out in the sun rather than a shady spot...
I think today's meant to be warmer than yesterday, and it certainly seems clearer already (was quite patchy around parts of Surrey). Beeb forecast for tomorrow looks warmer yet too.

My ideal summer temp would have to be very low 20s - anything much higher and it's just annoying. I'd still take a beautiful winter's day over a sunny summer one any day of the week though.
Well, my 10 day forecast here is 24-30C every day, along with potential thunderstorms every day. Rainy season is so much fun when you have to try to turn up for work without looking like you swam there :p

Never thought I'd be jealous of British weather.
I really should take advantage of this nice weather and go and sort my back garden out, it's like a jungle. Trouble is I've already started on the vodka and coke. Once you pop you can't stop. :(
Almost passed out on the sun beds yesterday. Had to come out after 5 minutes. The shop was so bloody hot.

Got up early this morning to do a spot of sunbathing to top up my tan. Dreading Dubai in August!
Huzaa, temp fix as i remembered from my 900d case prep, i had a spare fan

Ignore my cabling, and w/c was my first time and i rushed! re building atm and taking a lot more time to get it nice


Would using my 8 sp120 quiet editions ( in boxes waiting to go in new build ) be a little bit over powered for cooling humans
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Id rather its hot even if i don't go out, i just like being able to sit at home in my shorts with the windows open. I just wish i had a back garden as the communal garden is just not the same even though its quite private.

At least i am not sitting next to a heater with 2 layers on :D

My pc is fine as my living room gets hardly any sun so temps only rise from air temp not from direct sunlight.
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