It's too hot :(

Loving it TBH.

Its great I havn't seen this amount of rain for at least 5 years normally its a dustbowl by now and looking out at brown dead stuff everywhere and this year everything is green and bursting into life its so uplifting. Where my father lives in spain everything is permanently brown or grey and basically dead and its so hot you can't do anything but sit in the shade. Its depressing.
A high of 22C for the next week, with quite a bit of rain on the way in London. Very comfortable. Pretty much perfect for this time of year, to be honest.

I guess that a jaunt to B.C. wouldn’t suit you then?

Canada broke its temperature record for a third straight day on Tuesday - 49.6C (121.3F) in Lytton, British Columbia.

Personally I’d like it to be 30c from February to November inclusive, and no lower than 17c in December and January, but that’s just me, one man’s meat and all that.
Been a pretty boring summer in terms of weather up here. I remember last summer we had either very hot weather or violent storms. I'm kinda glad as I always struggle to sleep in summer.

Shame the Hayfever is still about, wish it would go away.
Don't mind this, it's not too hot, and in the winter I'm paying for heating oil, 22c in here with this primative but effective ventilation

Cue screenshot and unessecery veiw

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Come on rain and storms come back.

What storms? Haven't seen a single one! Pretty much the same as every other year though; everyone else gets them and we get a few clouds and a splash of rain. I used to love a good storm when I was younger and would go outside and stand/sit there watching from under an alcove at our local library.
There’s only one possible explanation. Canada has stolen our summer and added it to theirs

48c heat you can keep thank you very much.

Ah summer. The birds twittering, the sound of a party of females in the street having a verbal slanging match for the last 20 minutes. Oh they're blaring their horns on their cars now. Lovely.
I cant moan, temps have gone down since I came back from my break and stayed down. Just about bearable.

When I was on holiday the breeze was amazing.

I expect late july and august will be horrific but at least its not a all summer heatwave.
I'm going to moan, haven't seen the sun for three **** days! Endless rain and wind from the north sea! Same story since last October (Albeit the odd rare hot day)
Got aircon being fitted in the house today and my office (back of the garage conversion), been fighting the urge for years but I finally caved. The last hot spell we had broke me as I barely got any sleep, and that's not even as hot as it will likely get this year.
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