It's too hot :(

Doesnt work, a couple of years ago I wasted money on these 'Air Conditioners' that are simply a fan with a humidifier.

It makes no difference with or without water added to them.

I'm only back on this forum because I cannot move or function or do anything right now in this heat.
It does. Just like running a cold shower very quickly cools down your bathroom
Loving the heat, early morning bike ride, picnic and tree climbing midday, then home to game and sink a few cocktails.

Sandwiched between a Boneco fan and a USB fan that's keeping me and my PC cool enough.

Got to say though this is approaching my limit, 40c in Rome no problem, once you start approaching the mid thirties here it's relentless. At least COVID has forced more restaurants to have outdoor areas, a few more weeks of this and eating out and I might not be so grumpy about missing out on my holiday.
That 2 minutes of bliss when you get out of the shower and don't dry yourself. Just let the water evaporate naturally. It's ace until the sweating starts again. :p
The rest of my families gone out to a steak restaurant. Don’t know how they could face a steak in this weather. Especially my bro. He has a 20oz T-Bone!
The rest of my families gone out to a steak restaurant. Don’t know how they could face a steak in this weather. Especially my bro. He has a 20oz T-Bone!

I was chavving it up in spoons earlier and it's amazing the amount of people stuffing their faces with burgers, steaks and whatnot and this was at lunchtime peaktime heat. I'm a big old fatty but I can't eat anything except ice cream in this weather. :p
I was chavving it up in spoons earlier and it's amazing the amount of people stuffing their faces with burgers, steaks and whatnot and this was at lunchtime peaktime heat. I'm a big old fatty but I can't eat anything except ice cream in this weather. :p
My limit in this weather is a nice cold ham salad sarnie or the like.
This is exactly the level of heat that I said to you I was uncomfortable with. 27 might not seem far behind what it is today, but 30 just feels so much worse.

I think a lot of factors can be taken into account. I'm very comfortable at the moment, but I'm wearing very little, and also the window has been open all day and I have a fan on, albeit a very small fan. Also I had the blinds closed till this afternoon, so no sun could get in.

Now, according to my barometer, the temp in here is 28C, which is totally unacceptable for indoors. But for some reason I'm OK.
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