It's too hot :(

Everyone who is saying this is pleasant needs to be deported. :cry::cry:

I don’t find it particularly unpleasant, and I’m not looking forward to the threatened cooling off in London from tomorrow, but where would you deport me to?
I’m of French extraction, (a long way back), but I was born in East London, I’d be happy to go anywhere south of a line between Bordeaux and Valence, perhaps Cahors or Albi if you can arrange it.
I’m not sure I’d cope for long in this heat if I was in work.

Workshop roof radiates so much heat its like a greenhouse.

I don’t find it particularly unpleasant, and I’m not looking forward to the threatened cooling off in London from tomorrow, but where would you deport me to?
I’m of French extraction, (a long way back), but I was born in East London, I’d be happy to go anywhere south of a line between Bordeaux and Valence, perhaps Cahors or Albi if you can arrange it.
I wonder whether there is a genetic component, or perhaps conditioning when young. I have Scottish blood, so anything above about 21 is unpleasant. The flip side is that I’m rarely too cold in winter, and rarely wear a coat. People say that you get used to heat, but I have lived for extended periods in hot countries, and I never acclimatised to the heat. I was completely reliant on air con.
I’m glad I live in the UK, specifically northern England.
I don't understand how do people manage to walk around the streets with masks on in this heat? I'm asthmatic and mask wearing in this heat is horrific for my lungs at the moment. Been taking my inhaler more. Been going into shops maskless as its more helpful to me.
I don't understand how do people manage to walk around the streets with masks on in this heat? I'm asthmatic and mask wearing in this heat is horrific for my lungs at the moment. Been taking my inhaler more. Been going into shops maskless as its more helpful to me.

Masks haven't touched my asthma one bit, I don't wear a mask in the street but I still do in shops.
I am sad! This heat wave is coming to an end!
It was a good duration so can't complain. But already looking forward to the next one!

I don't understand how do people manage to walk around the streets with masks on in this heat? I'm asthmatic and mask wearing in this heat is horrific for my lungs at the moment. Been taking my inhaler more. Been going into shops maskless as its more helpful to me.

Maybe they don't have asthma? :p
Ambient temp is around 33c this week inside, so it's not much worse than being outside. I feel for people that do work outside doing roadworks etc, they really do have it hot in direct sun.

And they have to wear all their hi-viz stuff too. Screw that!
Bad night's sleep again after sunrise, with window opened and curtain partially open to get the windowsill fan drawing cool outdoor air in. Was a pleasant 16C again at sunrise, but again in no fit state to get up and make use of it having crashed just before midnight.

Crawled out of bed at 0930 and it was already 23C, but temp has been fairly stable since 1100ish at 27C. Slightly more bearable than last couple of days, until I had to get properly dressed to accept a delivery a while ago... Didn't take many minutes to feel very uncomfortable!
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Yeah in the old days used to be jealous of workers on building sites in rigger boots and shorts only. Nowadays they have to wear trousers and full length sleeves

Found it strange why are a lot of roadworks are being done now. Should have done it Feb/March when we were in lockdown, fewer cars on the road. Plus the hot weather doesn't bode well with resurfacing.
Ok, air con set up and working. It is much louder than I expected. So far after around 44 mins, it has reduced temperature down from 30c to 22.7 and still dropping. I also have a fan running at the same time to help circulate the cool air.
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