It's too hot :(

Irritatingly, the multi-block that connects the radiator hoses to the engine on my car cracked yesterday, leading to the coolant bleeding out, meaning I've had to take it into a local garage for repair, where it'll be until Tuesday the mechanic-type chap expects. Thus I'm reduced to walking everywhere, rather than wafting in air-conditioned comfort.

Bafflingly though, despite the fact that it's circa 25 degrees and 85% humidity, there are people out and about wearing jackets, some visibly sweating and clearly uncomfortable.
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Off to pub at lunch and it was around 30-31... was amazing but my god was I hot. Had a shower when I went back to work and felt much better :)
Spare a thought for the poor sods in loft conversions!!
It's 34C in here ATM:eek:
Sooner have this then snow though :D

~40 where I work. Thank God for air con. Dreading going back to my top floor flat so much that I've committed myself to a night bar hopping despite being in the throes of a horrifically painful hangover.
15,000 BTU Portable A/C unit is pretty good right now :D

I look a bit funny walking down the street with it though :cool:
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