I've noticed the met office seem to lowball the actual temps until the day.Met Office has forecast 29C for next week! 29! We'll all die.
BBC can do one. Bunch of communists.
I've noticed the met office seem to lowball the actual temps until the day.Met Office has forecast 29C for next week! 29! We'll all die.
BBC can do one. Bunch of communists.
Still depends on the room size. If you want to cool a big open plan living room or big master bedroom, then yes, but if you just want to cool a 10 square meter office etc then 7-8000 should be ok, even in 30 degree heat. My 9000 cools my 15sqm bedroom just fine.I personally wouldn't buy less than 9,000btu. I would worry it wouldn't cope when it gets really hot, which is when you really need it...
1976 wasn't actually mental in terms of max temperatures compared to these days, it was more the length of sustained higher temperatures and lack of rainMake the most of today and tomorrow, what's coming sounds like hell on earth to a hot blooder like me, hope we don't get corona virus in this heatwave OMG imagine having a hot fever in 40+
What I don't fully understand is why do we get all these heatwaves when its nice like today, what causes it all of a sudden to be cranked up to temperatures we've never seen before and breaking records each year.
I still can't workout why 1976 was mental weather for a whole summer either, weather is weird and unpredictable I guess.
ha ha, was just talking to someone in Edinburgh who said similar. He's just put his heating onsods banging on about air conditioners......while some of us are sat with duvets wrapped round us while looking at heat maps lovingly and forlornly. moaning bunch of ninnies !!
1976 wasn't actually mental in terms of max temperatures compared to these days, it was more the length of sustained higher temperatures and lack of rain
The cloud has gone here and it looks like we have 9 days of uninterrupted sunshine. Looks like I’ll be watering the garden at least once a day.
You’ve spoilt that view by showing the bloke on the tellyYeah was overcast at work this morning in Padstow but here comes the sun ,nice through draft tbh 22c in here
Is that a reflection of you on the tv?? Are you really Boris??Yeah was overcast at work this morning in Padstow but here comes the sun ,nice through draft tbh 22c in here
plz invest in some new plug thingies lol
Well spotted!! That big toe is like an eagles talonAnd some toenail clippers.