It rained for about 20 mins yesterday afternoon. Customers were moaning. I said to them want rain or 37c?. ...
...If people don’t like rain, why go out when it was going to rain all day???
Some of the elderly people who moan about the rain sound like three year olds.
Item no 3565 on Cheesefests list of things that never happened.It rained for about 20 mins yesterday afternoon. Customers were moaning. I said to them want rain or 37c?
Some of the elderly people who moan about the rain sound like three year olds.
Back in the autumn, it chucked it down and elderly customers (about 40 of them) were congregating in the fire exit area. Management and security asked them to leave as posed a fire risk.
They all whinged about it. One bloke - early 30s, shouted “grow up” to them. I went to him and praised him.
If people don’t like rain, why go out when it was going to rain all day???
Me too.I miss the 30+ now
My dog doesn't.I miss the 30+ now
It rained for about 20 mins yesterday afternoon. Customers were moaning. I said to them want rain or 37c?
Some of the elderly people who moan about the rain sound like three year olds.
Yep, still sat here with the door open.Still sweating here, air must be really humid. T-shirt is way too warm.
ahhhh another poor mans Walter Mitty who can't keep up with the lies he tells.It rained for about 20 mins yesterday afternoon. Customers were moaning. I said to them want rain or 37c?
Some of the elderly people who moan about the rain sound like three year olds.
Back in the autumn, it chucked it down and elderly customers (about 40 of them) were congregating in the fire exit area. Management and security asked them to leave as posed a fire risk.
They all whinged about it. One bloke - early 30s, shouted “grow up” to them. I went to him and praised him.
If people don’t like rain, why go out when it was going to rain all day???