It's too hot :(

Met Office accurate as usual. Predicted 16C high today and in reality it was a glorious 23-24C all afternoon and is still 18C now at 10pm.
Came home last night. The kids are sweating in bed with just pyjama shorts on. No windows are open. The thormoatat clicks at nearly 25 and the wife is sitting there in her coat moaning it's cold.

Bloody lizards
Came home last night. The kids are sweating in bed with just pyjama shorts on. No windows are open. The thormoatat clicks at nearly 25 and the wife is sitting there in her coat moaning it's cold.

Bloody lizards

More lizards here last night as both my wife and sister were complaining about being cold sitting in the garden and it was 20°C.
In the past I have slept terribly. Now i have house ontop of a hill we get a lovely breeze too cool the room down before bed.

and the biggest change to getting a cracking sleep was separate duvets. I have a 3 tog going to just a sheet when its really warm and the mrs has 10 in summer and 15 with a blanket in winter. It make such a difference having my own duvet I would recommend it to everyone!
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