It's too hot :(

20c isn’t cold guys :D

Night time temperatures are just about dipping to single digits some days here, though sometimes it still feels muggy - I needed my duvet at coolest part overnight, but initially would have been too warm.

Looks like we are stuck in a rut of 10-13C night, 20-21C day time with mostly overcast and showery out to almost the end of the month.

Wrong, wrong and you are wrong once again.
June was officially the hottest it has ever been in the UK and July so far you said uk .. which it is not .. get your facts straight
and to say it's snowed for the last 3 yrs in saudi arabia you think the heat has just been moving around ?
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20c isn’t cold guys :D

It isn't that warm either, especially when it's cloudy.

13c and raining here right now. Dreadful weather! Despite all the reports of crazy temperatures around the globe, Stoke On Trent is having the worst summer I've seen in years. I'd love a midway point between this and what everybody else is getting.
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Currently raining 17c but feels warm after 1 hour of walking . It's now July 14th pretty much everyday since start of July it's been raining wonder what the record rainfall is for July

No worry of drought :) I don't mind the rain for this reason but this seems excessive
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Well my Friday weather post normally comes from the top of the far headland half way along but this (live stream) is the weather with some strong winds hitting soon, surf is pants, may just throw the changing robe on and hide in my cave

I hope they're enjoying their summer holiday.
Starting to get flooding here, nothing too bad but the farm entrance is a huge puddle about 3 inches deep halfway out into the road.
Night time temperatures are just about dipping to single digits some days here, though sometimes it still feels muggy - I needed my duvet at coolest part overnight, but initially would have been too warm.

Looks like we are stuck in a rut of 10-13C night, 20-21C day time with mostly overcast and showery out to almost the end of the month.
17c is the minimum here still way to warm for a duvet I'm down to a single sheet and woke up sweating this morning. Still no bloody rain
Ot's 17c here, and has been chucking it down since 4am. The local Brook has gone from a trickle to a brown torrent since yesterday.

On the plus side, training won't be a sweat bath tonight.
18C here, chucking it down all day. House is keeping warm at least. It’ll be the cheapest summer, no air con, no heat, no watering needed.

I have some plants to go in later, usually this time of year it’d be impossible.
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The weather is big news down here

"Delabole Carnival said: "There will be no beer festival tonight. The marquee is now completely flat and emptied"

It's just cloudy now I was destracted by netflix so didn't get out much ,just down the river
15-16C here, south Somerset, persistent sometimes heavy rain and windy. Quite a few festival, etc. type events in the local area today or next few days "postponed" indefinitely.
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