It's too hot :(

After my post yesterday afternoon it stopped raining but had cooled a bit -Went to bed at 10.00 and got up at 10.00 slept solid all night.
This wasn't due to temp change -Doc gives me One sleeping pill a week along with a few amatriptoline it is the only good sleep I get a week.
It's really nice getting up refreshed once in a while.:(
North West Midlands just like my profile states. 16c max, endlessly cloudy, and light rain was the norm for the entirety of July and August. We didn't even get any of the early good weather that the south and parts of Wales had in May.
That sounds great to be honest
Accuweather claiming midday first thunderstorm, and 9pm the second, the clear blue sky doesnt bode well for the midday prediction lol.
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Made a bit of a mistake yesterday of doing some washing and putting it out quite late (~3pm) thinking it'd be bone dry within a couple of hours. Forgot about them a bit, and by the time I brought them in at about 8pm, I was surprised that some items were still quite damp. I'm guessing it's the humidity that affected the drying process.
Made a bit of a mistake yesterday of doing some washing and putting it out quite late (~3pm) thinking it'd be bone dry within a couple of hours. Forgot about them a bit, and by the time I brought them in at about 8pm, I was surprised that some items were still quite damp. I'm guessing it's the humidity that affected the drying process.

Had same. Put some out about same time.. Still just as damp in evening
It’s supposed to be a few degrees cooler here today vs yesterday (22 vs 26/27) but I’ve just been out for petrol and I’m pouring sweat. Car had it as 25c. My flat has also retained the heat, never dropped below 23.5 with windows open all night, back to 25 already.

Praying for thunder and rain.

Edit - anyone in Cumbria? Looks like a massive band of rain there right now.
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Checked Met office weather about 20mims ago, it showed a thunderstorm headed our way(not good). Just checked again only rain forecast (better news).
Really doesn't feel like it can make its mind up right now. 25c and threatening rain but then suddenly it's sunny again. All the while my phone thinks we've been in a heavy thunderstorm for the last 30 minutes.

Need to go out around 3pm so no doubt it'll hold off till then. The joys of not driving...
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A Youtube video popped up in my feed called "Life in the COLDEST PLACE on Earth" about the city of Yakutia with 300,000 living there in temps of -80 and having ice baths each morning in -56c so you'd at least think oh well least the summers wouldn't be too hot, got the shock of my life, no apparently summers regularly get 40+, WTF how is that even possible to be the coldest on earth but also one of the warmest too.
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