It's too hot :(

mosquitos can they be stopped ? definitely making incursions last night , need an iron dome.

plus tog 5 duvet remains a bit heavy, but duvet cover alone, too little - no persons land.

troposhperic conditions bad too - so freeview hit and miss , forcing online streaming - rugby during weekend in particular.

High pressure weather conditions impacting TV & Radio services - from 07 October

If we don’t get a cold winter then I can see a huge increase in bugs next year
Just drove from Rishton to Todmorden and back and watched it go from 12 celcius down to 8 celcius within an hour. Autumn’s definitely arrived up here now. Monday morning is 1 celcius roll on Spring 2024.
Warm this morning, hammering down with rain now, and a weather warning in place. Then freezing temps for next week.
Bye Summer, I'll miss you.
Wow, its all changed gone from last night 15c to in a couple of days to 1c nights, that's truly mental. never seen such a change in contrast of temps.
No more warm here :p
It became cold yesterday afternoon, and I heard the first geese migrating away from the Morecambe Bay winter. 4c this morning, geese everywhere in the sky, and overnight frosts forecast for the weekend.
Whelp, time to put the shorts back into the cupboard I think. I'm the type of person who'll wear them the moment it gets past like 15c, but these recent nippy mornings have been a bit biting.
2 celcius when i left home this morning in Rishton at 0700. Windscreen had a slightly icy layer but cleared within 5 minutes. Currently 7 celcius in Preston.
still bib-shorts on the bike this am, too hot for tights.

remains too hot for the 5-tog duvet - reverted to old fashioned blanket on top of duvet cover maybe tog 3 ...
fascinating revelatory radio programme about heavy blankets I coincidentally heard, so you could get better quality sleep, with a heavier weight covering ... got to continue this experiment.
current king size duvet is less than 800g total - blanket like 5kg

Problem is, 21C in the house is too hot for me to sleep in so I'd had the window opened a few times to get the temperature closer to 19C so I guess it's my own fault the house dropped to 18/18.5C by this morning :D
The window hasn't been shut for a week now and its still too hot inside the trouble is the noise outside it wakes me up every morning
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I actually dragged out the summer duvet (4.5 tog IIRC) last night thinking it was supposed to be getting colder. Soon kicked it off though as I was getting too hot :p
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