I'll resist "your wife in my bed" jokes.Try having a wife that throws the winter duvet on you when they get too hot
I'll resist "your wife in my bed" jokes.Try having a wife that throws the winter duvet on you when they get too hot
I bought the netting and magnet strip then "made" them myself, best thing I did really.Time to go through the annual "I want to leave the windows open but live in the countryside so a billion creepy crawlies & flying things will get in - should I get a magnetic fly net - hmmmm, its a good idea in principle but the reviews of the quality are all terrible - what should I do????" back and forth before I eventually decide (as always) not to buy one and just live with the bugs getting in
Shorts and a light top, but I'm just off to the gym (RIP)
Me neither. I have central heating and aircon instead...I don't have a different duvet for winter to summer.
This, when I am hot and sweaty, I don't want to do ANYTHING, and couple that with terrible nights sleep when it's hot and I am exhausted to boot. I can exercise SO much better during the winter.fair enough hotter weather makes me more lazy, I know I cant push as much no matter how mentally I push myself once you start over heating doesnt matter , cold weather after few minutes in I dont even feel the cold I actually warm up and very comfortable but not to the point I have to fight it mentally unlike when its hot, dont get me started on sweat on bars and seats
Also sleeping is important for recovery and I dont sleep as well in warm weather as i do when its cold, with the building designed to keep the warmth in
We have sticky insect netting (with zippers to access the window handles) which work a treat. Coupled with a bug zapper on the landing, we haven't had any insect issues in the bedroom for years now.Time to go through the annual "I want to leave the windows open but live in the countryside so a billion creepy crawlies & flying things will get in - should I get a magnetic fly net - hmmmm, its a good idea in principle but the reviews of the quality are all terrible - what should I do????" back and forth before I eventually decide (as always) not to buy one and just live with the bugs getting in
Best way to block the heat from the sun is external shading/shutters.Im buying a ceiling fan and installing it this year. Bedroom faces the sun for the hottest part of the day and its just an air trap it feels like for heat.
Anyone use a blackout blind for help keep the sun out?. Does it work?
I can pretend I have a body like Schwarzenegger in his prime but it's more like Danny DeVito.A tight top you say?
No get the ceiling fan orderedAnyone use a blackout blind for help keep the sun out?. Does it work?
Now that is a place Rob should work in, he'd never be coldPfffffft - 34°c in the work kitchen today, followed by an hour and a quarter session at the gym, which wasn't quite so warm!!
Certainly don't want thunderstorms here, flooding problems on our streetOne more fantastic day to come before the thunderstorms hit.
I have a similar problem except with drunken revellers at night and kids with too much time on their hands after school. Do I leave it open and risk the inevitable or sweat it out?Time to go through the annual "I want to leave the windows open but live in the countryside so a billion creepy crawlies & flying things will get in - should I get a magnetic fly net - hmmmm, its a good idea in principle but the reviews of the quality are all terrible - what should I do????" back and forth before I eventually decide (as always) not to buy one and just live with the bugs getting in