It's too hot :(

Was 31 yesterday, 26 and a bit today. Noticeably cooler today. Lovely to have a couple of days of summer weather, despite the sleep issues. The evenings outside make up for it.

Would prefer 24-25ish so you can still do things, but I'm not going to complain if it's a bit more for a day or so.
That's the problem, doing things is so hot and sweaty the wife doesn't want to do anything:D
Periodic contribution to say one of the best things I discovered for keeping the living room temp down is a big blackout curtain, hung outside (pinched in) the windows. Not everyone will have a big, white blackout curtain hanging about, but it's earned its keep here for days like this. Reflects an awful lot of energy and makes the west-facing living room bearable at this time of day. Suppose foil would do the trick too, but that's a lot of foil-faff.

Not recommended for folk on the 18th floor though. :eek:
I think I mentioned in this thread before, open the loft hatch upstairs and leave it open. I did that a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, I had to actually go into the loft last week and when I finished doing my chore, I closed it. Only realised yesterday. I wondered why it was particularly warm. I reopened it and as I was half way up the steps, I could feel the heat rising up into the loft. Last night sleep was much better compared to last few nights.

I feel sorry for my wife and kids. They are staying in an 8 berth static with her mum, brother and his missus. Dread to think how they are keeping cool at night. I just have my Labrador to keep me toasty at night with his furnace temperature breath lol
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