It's too hot :(

26ºC near Liverpool today, not looking forward to it. That said, next Wednesday is forecast with a high of 12ºC and low of 8ºC, so likely we'll go from needing A/C on today to needing the heating on in 5 days :D

Thankfully this looks to be the last "hurrah" of summer and we'll barely see a day hitting 20ºC high until next spring. Bliss.
I made it through 'summer' without needing to use the hosepipe. Compared to the last two summers this is remarkable. My outdoor beds have been much less productive than previous years. Polytunnel is rammed with chillis, though.
This maybe is were the saying soft southern wussies comes from?

As a southerner I haven't needed a duvet since probably early April and don't expect to need one until late October/early November. It's definitely not cold down here so anyone on the south coast that complains about it being too cold is most definitely a southern softie (not wuss, that's not what we're called) :p.
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I thought southern softie came more from how they couldn't handle the cold up north, which in turn also explains why there could be more Northern people complaining about the heat? :p
Worst summer ever continues.

48 hours of saturated moistness.
Barely been above 16c for 3 days

Washout this weekend too.

Only the plasma TV in the living room has kept me from turning the heating on.
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I know weather is different across the country. But I do find the 'cold summer' comments odd. Living in Nottingham, I've preferred the cooler days and still wore shorts, t-shirt with the windows open throughout the summer. I thought the hot days were too hot for my liking. The 30+ highs being very uncomfortable and the 24+ highs not ideal either. I like to go on long walks but I stopped on hotter days after the death of Michael Mosley from heat exhaustion.

I am a Yorkshireman from the Pennines though, so maybe I'm used to colder wetter weather than most of you
I know weather is different across the country. But I do find the 'cold summer' comments odd. Living in Nottingham, I've preferred the cooler days and still wore shorts, t-shirt with the windows open throughout the summer. I thought the hot days were too hot for my liking. The 30+ highs being very uncomfortable and the 24+ highs not ideal either. I like to go on long walks but I stopped on hotter days after the death of Michael Mosley from heat exhaustion.

I am a Yorkshireman from the Pennines though, so maybe I'm used to colder wetter weather than most of you
It's not so much the cold. It's because so often it comes with overcast/rain.
I don't have much issue with 10c and sunny. But 20c and wind/rain/humidity is horrible.

And that's what it's been for so much of the summer. Didn't risk booking any UK holidays over the summer. They are so expensive and there was never a point where you can get more than a 50/50 chance of good weather.

I still prefer 20c plus and sunny dry. I but I'd rather 10c and sunny than 30c and wet
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The forecast has been all over the place , a yellow warning of rain became a sunny day and a sunny day today turned to heavy rain , they don't seem to have a clue
You would be better off having a guess yourself, you would have the same results. Also on the Met Office rain forecasts they are almost always out in the time prediction so you never really know what to put on.
Whats going on with humidity right now?

Woke up to room humidity of 76%, I opened windows and door, and within 30 minutes was 84%, so shut again, checked the weather details and apparently humidity outside is very close to 100%. There was also fog which has just about cleared up now.

Dehumidifier working over time right now got a room, the one I am sitting in back down to 69%, which I considered high a couple of weeks back.

Deffo feels warmer and stuffier than the actual temperature.
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Bloody heck whats happened to the weather? Seen more rain in the last four days than in the last four months. Dull leaden skies good grief.

I thought southern softie came more from how they couldn't handle the cold up north, which in turn also explains why there could be more Northern people complaining about the heat? :p
Seems the notherners can't take their weather either judging by their constant and incessant moaning about it :p
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