I've found a Micro SD card on the pavement and it's encrypted



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast

Who encrypts a Micro SD card? I can't think of a single legit reason to do this as they go in phones and cameras which can't really deal with encrypted cards.

It's encrypted with Windows BitLocker.

What should I do with it, delete the partition and use it as a free 64GB Micro SD card? Do a deep scan on it using Recuva to see if anything dubious can be found outside of the encrypted area?

Questions questions....
Well I started the scan out of sheer curiosity and Recuva has found 2300 files so far. I would hazard a guess that the files found are all corrupted, but at least I might be able to see filenames and whatnot?
lol .. that was how they penetrated the iranian centrifuges suxsnet .... people just took the card in and voila infected network.
Who encrypts a Micro SD card? I can't think of a single legit reason to do this as they go in phones and cameras which can't really deal with encrypted cards.

It's entirely sensible in this day & age given rampant mobile phone theft.

It's encrypted with Windows BitLocker.

You can encrypt SD cards in Windows Phone 10. Go to All Settings, Update & Security, Encryption. It locks the SD card to the phone.
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