I've found a Micro SD card on the pavement and it's encrypted

Public key cryptography has many potential avenues of attack that make it really incomparable to symmetric encryption systems thus doesn't support your assertion even ignoring the mathematically unbreakable OTP encryption.

Poodle was one of them wasn't it? That's why SSL is starting to be dropped and TLS is being adopted in the payment transfer industry.
lol. How would you use a different implementation when you want to use adopted storage then?

Same as you do on a PC. Use one of the myriad of apps or custom firmware's like cyanogen which can mount encrypted volumes.

Poodle was one of them wasn't it? That's why SSL is starting to be dropped and TLS is being adopted in the payment transfer industry.

Variants of Poodle affect both SSL and TLS, all websites should now be using at least TLS v1.1. SSL3 was deprecated years ago.
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Same as you do on a PC. Use one of the myriad of apps or custom firmware's like cyanogen which can mount encrypted volumes.

You can't change the encryption method android uses when choosing to use an SD card as adopted storage. i don't think custom firmware, which in most cases will void your warranty these days, allows it either. What apps allow it?
Same as you do on a PC. Use one of the myriad of apps or custom firmware's like cyanogen which can mount encrypted volumes.

Variants of Poodle affect both SSL and TLS, all websites should now be using at least TLS v1.1. SSL3 was deprecated years ago.
TLS v1.2 is currently in use for transferring funds. SSL3 was ment to be superseded but some still use it strangely enough
You can't change the encryption method android uses when choosing to use an SD card as adopted storage. i don't think custom firmware, which in most cases will void your warranty these days, allows it either. What apps allow it?

Using a mounted container works the same as adopted storage, apps like EDS support the use of Veracrypt containers which encrypt the entire disk and makes it appear as normal removeable media.

Custom firmware doesn't affect warranty, you can easily revert to stock.
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