I've found a Micro SD card on the pavement and it's encrypted

It completed but i have to restart it again! Recuva's default settings are to hide zerobyte files and other stuff, so when it completed the window was blank. I've now changed those settings and am running the scan again. As I thought, the files must be corrupted or something, or.....

I guess lateral thinking isn't your strong suit :p

Tablet/ultra portable windows machines such as the Suface Pro often have small soldered in SSDs with only the option of a micro SD card as expandable storage, and those things easily pop out. If it came from a device like that then bitlocker is the standard built in drive encryption tool.

It's common practice to use drive encryption on all drives these days, even my android phone's SD card is encrypted so no one gets access to pictures of my kids if I lose it.

This^ :p

Although I have both a Surface Pro and Android tablets and the SD cards in those don't easily pop out unless proviked. I did think of this but discounted it based on that!

This might end up being the most anticlimactic end to a thread ever though, not to set any high expectations lol.
I've encrypted my mSD card for my phone. Obviously never intend to lose it, but if ever I did then at least I'd know all my files on there are secure.
There is at least one major issue with encrypting your phone's SD card really. If your phone breaks and you have to replace it, you're stuffed. Only the phone that encrypted it can decrypt it. Also if you ever have an issue and need to factory reset the phone, then the encryption keys are reset too, so the card data will no longer be readable on the same phone or any other phone.
There is at least one major issue with encrypting your phone's SD card really. If your phone breaks and you have to replace it, you're stuffed. Only the phone that encrypted it can decrypt it. Also if you ever have an issue and need to factory reset the phone, then the encryption keys are reset too, so the card data will no longer be readable on the same phone or any other phone.
That's why during the bitlocker process you are forced to either save the recovery key or print it out.
Who encrypts a Micro SD card? I can't think of a single legit reason to do this as they go in phones and cameras which can't really deal with encrypted cards.

I don't really see what is so odd about it although personally I don't bother with drive encryption itself but encrypt files individually - micro SDs are very small, reasonably robust so useful for putting backups, etc. onto in an easy to store and transport form - I use them in my RAVPower Filehubs (which also backup to other storage) which I've found pretty useful. Any backups containing remotely personal data I keep encrypted these days (other things also I keep a backup of for instance things like copies of product keys I keep encrypted as well as I wouldn't want anyone else to be using them if they came across the files).
Who encrypts a Micro SD card? I can't think of a single legit reason to do this

Every external storage device that I use at work has to be encrypted before data can be stored on it. This is enforced through the policies on phones/laptops. Even if I setup emails on my personal phone it forces the use of encryption on the device.

I work for a supermarket, not MI6 or similar. I imagain it's not the only company to do this.
OP needs banning imo (srs), no thread updates. This was definitely an F5 thread and it has, like so many before it, failed to deliver. Poll to ban for 3 weeks?
Mrk has been inactive on all social media platforms since 1PM yesterday afternoon. Not a sniff.

I can only assume that he either cracked the encryption and the content within sent him mad, or he has been abducted by the intended recipient of the card.

In either case his chances of survival are minimal. :(
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