I've found a Micro SD card on the pavement and it's encrypted

Windows Phone is dead in the water and I can't imagine any average Windows Phone user actually knowing of and/or using this feature. Those who know, won't accidentally lose their mSD card from inside their phones!

This has to be a hot-card that someone uses in their laptop/tablet for a.... purpose :eek:

Also 84% complete.
Windows Phone is dead in the water and I can't imagine any average Windows Phone user actually knowing of and/or using this feature. Those who know, won't accidentally lose their mSD card from inside their phones!

This has to be a hot-card that someone uses in their laptop/tablet for a.... purpose :eek:

Also 84% complete.

Mine still works fine. But then I mainly use it as a phone.
Oh of course, it still works, but is no longer supported or updated by MS. The appstore is also dead, even Microsoft themselves advised owners to switch to iOS/Android if I recall.
You all realise what will happen? The op will state there was nothing of interest on there when in reality it’ll be someone else posting as him to maintain the illusion he’s still alive, killed after finding out some dark government secret they don’t want revealed.
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